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Murcia News - January 2018

detail of Murcia
  • The Tercios fall to the unbeatable AS Monaco (31/01/2018)
    The university team is defeated by the undefeated Monegasque team (83-75) in a match marked by the university losses
  • Light reaches the San Esteban field (31/01/2018)

  • Martínez-Oliva: "I am pleased that Citizens this year intends to help contribute to solve the problems of Murcia" (31/01/2018)
    "because if they had been for them they would still be approving the 2016 and 2017 budgets"
  • The photo exhibition "The Tree of Life is eternally green" shows the connection of the citizens of Romania with nature (31/01/2018)
    The group Niño Rojo Project presents this collection of more than 40 images of the Romanian nature in Los Molinos del Río
  • Cs expected that the bad data reflected in the report of the Observatory of Culture react to the councilman Pacheco (31/01/2018)

  • Martínez-Oliva assures that the periodic inspections of the cleaning vehicles confirm that the maintenance fulfills the contract (31/01/2018)
    The councilor in charge of Hiring censures the attitude 'tendentious and lack of sensibility' of Cambiemos
  • Three sergeants and eight corporals take possession in the Fire Department (31/01/2018)
    The Plenary Hall has welcomed the appointment of these 11 professionals from the Fire and Rescue Extinction Service (SEIS) of Murcia
  • The University of Murcia organizes a technical seminar on Physical Activity, Sports and Health (31/01/2018)

  • The City Council extends extracurricular activities for the 23,000 students of the Murcian institutes (31/01/2018)

  • Cs missing the draft budgets and requires the PP to leave the blockade because the only harmed are the neighbors (31/01/2018)

  • The City of Murcia puts back on the environmental activities to be organized until May (31/01/2018)

  • El Pozo Murcia vs FC Barcelona Lassa, Saturday February 17 at 13.15 in the Palacio de Deportes (31/01/2018)
    JORNADA 21
  • "When the river does not sound ..." (31/01/2018)
    Show the works of ten artists about the effects of climate change on water in the Region of Murcia
  • Jesús Abandonado receives the donation enough to buy bread for the whole month of Aguas de Murcia (31/01/2018)

  • Sánchez: "The decentralized system of the Local Police makes it possible to provide an efficient service throughout the municipality" (30/01/2018)

  • Guillén: "While we conclude the pruning and removal of oranges in 20 districts, the PSOE continues to deceive the Murcians" (30/01/2018)
    The Councilor for Modernization of Administration, Urban Quality and Participation, José Guillén, details the districts in which has worked
  • Murcia City Council assists three families who have had to be evicted due to the risk of collapse (30/01/2018)
    SEMAS has offered alternative accommodation to families to prevent them from staying on the street
  • "US counter-balances have balanced Trump's decisions" (30/01/2018)

  • Now Murcia demands solutions to Lola Sánchez before the "continued" problems of insecurity in Aljucer (30/01/2018)
    - The municipal training asks that the Councilor for Security and Citizen Protection hold an open meeting with the residents of the district
  • Nearly 200 students visit the Canteras del Valle in this course thanks to the program'Murcia, ecología de un ciudad' (30/01/2018)

  • UMU and Sociedad Canina will collaborate in training and research activities (30/01/2018)

  • The PSOE criticizes that Guillen presumes of the pruning of oranges in the center of Murcia "while deliberately leaving the districts" The Socialists denounce that while in the center of the municipality weeks ago began the pruning of orang (30/01/2018)

  • Change Murcia asks for an audit to analyze the maintenance of the Cespa cleaning vehicles (30/01/2018)
    The training has reported that the so-called "moto cacas" are in a warehouse, without providing service
  • La Peña Atlética de Murcia - Bar de Moe, celebrated its FIRST ANNIVERSARY (29/01/2018)

  • Navarro: "We demonstrate with facts that concern us and occupy our Heritage and our garden" (29/01/2018)

  • Studies on pollutant discharges and use of sensors in localized irrigation win the awards of the UMU Water Chair (29/01/2018)

  • The players of ElPozo Murcia FS, Fabio, Xuxa and Fernando Drasler share the day with more than 300 students from CEIP Mirasierra de Torreagüera (29/01/2018)

  • El Puntal already has a new leisure garden of 13 plots with an area of ​​1,208 square meters (29/01/2018)

  • The I Run and March NGO Solidarity Surgery 10k and 3k will tour the Paseo del Malecón next Sunday (29/01/2018)
    Felipe Coello, Councilor for Sports and Health, has presented this charity race in which the Murcian Athletics Federation also collaborates
  • The PSOE censures that the PP uses the "patch" to prevent the deterioration of a historic property such as the Aljufía ditch (29/01/2018)
    Ayuso calls for a comprehensive plan to stop the deterioration of the ditches "one of our most outstanding signs of identity, a heritage that should be pampered and shown to the visitor as a unique and unrepeatable asset "
  • The University of Murcia gets the IV Prize Laboratories Boehringer Ingelheim to the Scientific Disclosure (29/01/2018)

  • The Flamenco Summit celebrates its XXV edition with first class figures and different novelties (29/01/2018)
    The flamenco aperitifs, a children's show and the performances of Lole Montoya, Paco Montalvo and Manuel Lombo focus the programming of this edition that will take place between 9 and on February 18
  • A round table tackles in the UMU the role of Philosophy, Sciences and Arts in education (29/01/2018)

  • Let's change Murcia denounces an illegal dump in the way of the Almazara de Guadalupe (29/01/2018)

  • Murcia fights cancer by giving voice to patients and making visible the hidden problems of the disease (29/01/2018)

  • The rhythm of our time (29/01/2018)
    Juan Antonio Madrid Pérez, expert in chronobiology at the UMU, develops tools applicable to various branches of medicine
  • Eight plays compose the ESAD Actors Direction Show that takes place this week at the UMU (29/01/2018)

  • UMU opened today the deadline for submission of candidacies to the Rectorate (29/01/2018)

  • UMU professor Rosa María Ros Espín will speak today about Mediterranean botanical diversity (29/01/2018)

  • The Murcia Tennis Club dresses up for the awards and distinctions of 2017 (28/01/2018)
    The male and female absolute teams that participated in the Spanish Championship, the junior world runners-up of padel, Araceli Martínez and Javier García, or the international referee, Alfonso Ayala, were some of the winners
  • Santa Eulalia retrieves the historic plaque commemorating the entry of Jaime I into the city in 1266 (28/01/2018)

  • More than 1,800 flowers decorate the Avenida Ciudad de Almería in Murcia (28/01/2018)
    The objective is to improve the image of one of the entrances to the with thoughts, brassicas and cyclamens
  • Murcia dawns with hardly any incidents after the continuous rains of this night (28/01/2018)
    At present, the Senda de Granada, the ravines of Espinardo and Churra, the Kingdom of Murcia avenue (from Juan Carlos I to Plaza de los Cubos) are closed to circulation. the Torre Abellán de Avileses tunnel
  • The City of Murcia will allocate € 15,000 to commemorate the Day of the Rights of the Child and the Girl (28/01/2018)
    The objective is to sensitize society to the problems that affect children, especially the need to take responsibility for their protection
  • Perez: 'The PSOE must give truthful, strong and credible explanations to Murcia' (27/01/2018)
    The Popular Spokesperson demands responsibilities after discovering meetings of the PSOE and a member of the Office hours after the resignation presented by Roque Ortiz
  • The City Council will make several improvements in the José María Párraga plaza and in the Garden of the Avenida de la Paz in El Palmar (27/01/2018)
    In this way, a microperforated awning will be placed in the children's play area and tipuanas and jacarandas will be planted
  • 110 agents of the Local Police and more than 60 firefighters, prepared to intervene in anticipation of heavy rains (27/01/2018)
    To this special device of the City Council is added personnel of the services of Cleaning, Civil Protection, Parks and Gardens, Aguas de Murcia, Traffic and Industrial Services
  • The City of Murcia subsidizes with € 19,013 the project "Improving access to water and sanitation and associated practices in primary schools in Guinea Bissau" (27/01/2018)
    The Department of Youth and Development Cooperation strengthens collaboration ties that allow the improvement of the living conditions in disadvantaged areas
  • The new Gaudium et Spes Chair, first step of a historic agreement between the UCAM and the Pontifical John Paul II Institute (26/01/2018)

  • The UCAM and Winbi, united to improve sports performance (26/01/2018)
    The Square of the Pergolas of the Catholic University San Antonio has hosted an event in which has presented a line of products to optimize the hydration of athletes
  • UMU celebrated the feast of Santo Tomás and the investiture of the Italian professor Irene Bragantini as doctor honoris (26/01/2018)
    Orihuela says that they have not wanted any longer a university directed by the consumer market and the oligarchies
  • Pérez: "Now Murcia criticizes again without knowing" (26/01/2018)

  • "We want to be tough and compete" (26/01/2018)
    Ibon Navarro highlights the importance of maintaining good results during the next three matches before the Copa del Rey break
  • The City of Murcia reduces by 44% the CO2 emissions derived from municipal activity (26/01/2018)

  • The City Council brings social attention to a total of 32,000 Murcians in 2017 (26/01/2018)
    José Ballesta signs together with the Minister Violante Tomás and nine mayors of the Region the collaboration agreement that regulates the electronic exchange of data between Administrations
  • The municipal employees will be able to participate in 151 courses of 74 different themes thanks to the City Council's Training Plan (26/01/2018)

  • Social Rights subsidizes transport bonds for 900 people at risk of exclusion (26/01/2018)
    Among the beneficiaries are minors and people incorporated into intervention programs and victims of gender violence
  • Parks and Gardens withdraws more than 465,000 kilos of oranges from the trees of Murcia and districts (26/01/2018)
    The pruning works are being carried out in the more than 13.210 orange trees in the municipality
  • Our Lady of La Paz will visit the streets of the neighborhood next Sunday (26/01/2018)
    Before there will be an orchard mass and, later, a wreath
  • Our Lady of Lourdes will visit Murcia from January 28 to February 25 (26/01/2018)

  • The opposition in full accuses the PP of "riding a circus" to divert attention from the alleged illegal practices of the municipal government (25/01/2018)

  • The UMU Biology faculty pays tribute to retired professors (25/01/2018)

  • Perez: "Citizens are put back in profile before a major problem and continues to demonstrate their lack of commitment to the Spanish" (25/01/2018)
    The abstention of Citizens and the votes against PSOE, now Murcia and Murcia change deny the support and the reviewable permanent prison defense
  • Pacheco: "Citizens today has supported the corruption of PSOE and Podemos" (25/01/2018)
    "Some unfortunate demonstrations by Roque Ortiz, in a private meeting, are an affront to democracy while those of the former mayor and today deputy, Jesus Navarro, in a Municipal plenary session, they are a 'heater', it is something unhe
  • Murcia now demands that responsibilities be clarified on what happened at the Ramón Gaya Museum, that the TPN be drawn up and the public employment offer be convened (25/01/2018)

  • The Government Team proposes the creation of three investigation commissions on employees in concessionaires, investments in districts and the public lighting contract (25/01/2018)
    The only condition is that the first one is chaired by the spokesperson of the PSOE, Susana Hernández
  • Researchers from UCAM seek medical application to invasive algae in Turkey (25/01/2018)
    Dokuz Eylül University in Turkey selects a group of researchers from the Catholic University of Murcia, led by Horacio Pérez, to detect possible applications of the `Halophila stipulacea 'algae in the development of new drugs
  • The Platform for Heritage obtains the BIC declaration for the Cascales Institute building (25/01/2018)

  • The Plenary approves the lifting of the reparo that will allow the workers of the Ramón Gaya Museum to collect their salaries in the coming weeks (25/01/2018)

  • The Cultural College of San Isidro, now the Cascales Institute, has been declared a Site of Cultural Interest. (24/01/2018)

  • Social Rights promotes the creation of work groups on social action and water and another one of homeless people with mental health problems (24/01/2018)
    During the year 2017 about 600,000 euros were allocated for the Social Fund of EMUASA for flat rate, a help that benefited 12,967 people
  • Let's change Murcia denounces the bad state of the pipes of the CEIP Ciudad de la Paz of El Palmar and asks for its renovation (24/01/2018)

  • The Palace of Santa Quiteria dresses with the works of 14 artists on European heritage (24/01/2018)
    Councilman Jesús Pacheco has announced that this innovative space will premiere exhibition with each change of season
  • UMU and the Football Federation will collaborate in the promotion of sports practice and research (24/01/2018)

  • The UMU pays tribute to eight retired biology teachers in the last two years (24/01/2018)

  • The five municipal auditoriums will offer 115 shows in the first half of the year (24/01/2018)
    87% will be represented by entities from Murcia
  • Let's change Murcia remember with Star Wars that it depends on Citizens "to end cacique practices" (24/01/2018)

  • Film, skating, dance, graffiti, cooking or videogame workshops or guided tours complete the Networks Program for the first quarter of 2018 (24/01/2018)

  • 20 UCAM partners enjoy the Basketball Champions League (24/01/2018)
    They were invited by the UCAM Murcia CB to the match they played in Turkey against Pinar Karsiyaka
  • Thirty experts from 12 European cities visit Murcia to test the success of the ADN Santa Eulalia project (24/01/2018)

  • The Tercios break their streak in Turkey (23/01/2018)
    The UCAM Murcia falls defeated before the Pinar Karsiyaka in a match in which the university fought to the end (79-72)
  • The PSOE considers that the resignation of the councilor for development was necessary but insufficient because it does not solve the problem The Municipal Group recalls that Ortiz's words "uncover the box of thunder and evidence a way of fu (23/01/2018)

  • Now Murcia: "The resignation of Roque Ortiz is not enough" The municipal training indicates that it is "essential to carry out the motion of censure to end the abuses and corrupt practices of the PP" (23/01/2018)

  • Roque Ortiz presents his resignation as councilor of the City of Murcia (23/01/2018)
    This afternoon he has sent a letter to the Mayor communicating his decision.
  • Murcia is positioned to be co-founder with Genoa Eurocities interactive cities working group (23/01/2018)
    Councilors José Guillén, Jesús Pacheco and Rebeca Pérez have held this afternoon a bilateral meeting with representatives of the Italian city
  • Cs requires López Miras to leave the ambiguities and assume his responsibility as president of the PP in the Roque Ortiz case (23/01/2018)

  • The Local Council of Commerce studies stimulus measures to alleviate the damages to the establishments affected by the burial works (23/01/2018)

  • The rector of the UMU announces the transformation of 57 places of interim professors in professors hired in the act of taking possession (23/01/2018)

  • The PSOE criticizes the government delegate for "taking to pitorreo" the burial and the AVE announcing again new dates (23/01/2018)
    The spokeswoman demands Bernabé that "do not have anxiety to get on the high-speed train, but be vigilant to that the entire project be executed with rigor and fulfilling the promises to the neighbors "
  • The city of Murcia will be the arrival of the 38th edition of the Tour of the Region of Murcia Grand Prix Banco Sabadell (23/01/2018)
    The race will be held on February 10 and will have a demanding route of 208 kilometers.
  • Let's change Murcia studies to file a complaint against the PP and asks that the Extraordinary Investment Plan be stopped (23/01/2018)

  • This Sunday is the fifth edition of the Murcia Marathon in the center of the city (23/01/2018)
    The circuit will consist of a two-laps urban tour of 21 kilometers and has more than 1,300 participants
  • Writer Menchu ​​Gutiérrez presents her latest work, an essay on the essence of time (23/01/2018)
    The activity is part of the De / constructing cycle organized by the UMU
  • Javier Trigueros claims "the improvement of rail communications between the Region of Murcia and Madrid at weekends" (23/01/2018)
    As the mayor explains "it is chaotic to travel to the capital of Spain on a Saturday to carry out some management with sufficient time and return to Murcia on the same day "
  • The Third Edition of the Trail Majal Blanco Xtreme Regional Circuit Trail by Clubs returns to Sangonera la Verde this Sunday (23/01/2018)
    In the race you can participate in two modalities: one of 14 kilometers and another of 30 that will pass through this natural environment
  • The directors of the Archive and Naval Museum of Cartagena, visit the Rector of the UMU (23/01/2018)
    It is two of the dependencies of the Navy with greater relationship with the University of Murcia
  • Half of the neighborhoods lose population while the inhabitants of districts grow, where 62% of the registered residents already reside (22/01/2018)
    The web portal murciaencifras.es analyzes the demographic data of 2017, in which it stands out that more than half of the increase produced in the Region of Murcia correspond to those of the municipality.
  • The new domiciliary care ordinance extends its assistance to cases of multiple births, minors at risk or vulnerable or homeless (22/01/2018)
    The text introduces the possibility of providing the service temporarily and limited in time, while the need situation that justifies its concession lasts
  • Now Murcia: "The PP must be outside the government of the city council before a month" (22/01/2018)
    The municipal group has met this morning at the Glorieta with the regional secretary of Podemos, Oscar Urralburu
  • Change Murcia asks the Plenary to stand in solidarity with the defenders of Human Rights (22/01/2018)

  • Change Murcia would consider a "very serious irresponsibility" not to promote a motion of censorship in the City Council (22/01/2018)

  • An education for the 21st century brings together in the UMU and 13 municipalities conferences, theater, concerts, workshops and documentaries (22/01/2018)

  • The opposition abandons en bloc the Finance and General Affairs Commission to be chaired by Roque Ortiz (22/01/2018)

  • A first round for History (22/01/2018)
    The UCAM Murcia gets its best mark in 33 years at the end of the first round (9 wins and 8 losses)
  • The City of Murcia receives the support of the European Union to launch a campaign that enables the participation of young people with disabilities in mobility programs (22/01/2018)

  • Biodiesel, a sector below its capabilities (22/01/2018)

  • The UCAM leads the program to improve the employability of European athletes (22/01/2018)
    Along with the Catholic University, the University of Sport, participate four others from Italy, Greece, Turkey and Malta
  • Polish and UMU researchers develop a new tool that facilitates the diagnosis and monitoring of eye diseases (22/01/2018)
    The LOUM presents a unique instrument in the world to visualize the complete eye
  • A few days analyzed in the UMU the past, the present and the future of inequality and poverty (22/01/2018)

  • Change Murcia asks Education to listen to the School Councils (21/01/2018)
    The formation, echoing the demands of the councilors, denounces the lack of support from the City Council and demands meetings every two months
  • Tree pruning begins in almost thirty sports facilities in Murcia and districts (21/01/2018)

  • "To be a competitive tourist destination, innovation is paramount" (21/01/2018)
    Francisco Mas Pérez, student of the Master's Degree in Tourism Innovation and Marketing of the UCAM, has won the first prize for academic standardization work, organized by the Spanish Association for Standardization ( UNE)
  • The Community Development Institute launches an awareness campaign on development cooperation in schools in the municipality (21/01/2018)

  • Now Murcia asks the city council to create a commission of inquiry "that reaches the bottom in the practices confessed by Roque Ortiz" (20/01/2018)
    - The municipal formation wants the commission "to make known what has been done in the Town Hall and in the municipal boards, and if there are more parties involved "
  • Martínez-Oliva: "It is surprising to see that now Murcia ask to investigate the award of contracts when they do not attend the contracting tables" The Councilor for Finance and Recruitment responds to the criticism of the spokeswoman of Aho (20/01/2018)

  • Chair of CSR of the UCAM, HIDROGEA and RSCreativa Eventos (20/01/2018)
    "In four years we will have the first general woman of the Army"
  • Cs will demand this Monday the mayor Ballesta a list of workers hired at the concessionaires (20/01/2018)
    Mario Gomez will ask to include the seniority of the workers and their category, as well as the dismissals made by the concessionaires since January 1, 2017
  • Change Murcia asks the City Council to position itself against fracking (20/01/2018)

  • Murcia now demands that the possible match be investigated in the hiring of the public lighting service (20/01/2018)

  • The works to reform the median of the Primero de Mayo avenue will begin on Monday (20/01/2018)
    The 30 existing brachichitos will be transplanted and seasonal flowers will be planted to improve the visibility and safety of the drivers
  • Pacheco: "The Government Team will take to the Plenary the solution to the situation of the workers of the Ramón Gaya Museum" (19/01/2018)

  • Change Murcia demands political "responsibilities" for the sentence on a Gaya worker (19/01/2018)
    The ruling condemns the City Council for violating the rights of workers
  • Let's change Murcia points to a motion of censure as "the only sensible option from the ethical and political point of view" (19/01/2018)

  • Now Murcia: "Ballesta has been ratified as an accomplice to the serious practices that Roque Ortiz confessed. (19/01/2018)
    - The municipal training calls for the creation of a Commission of Inquiry" to find out what has been done in the Town Hall and in the meetings Municipalities, and if there are more parties involved "
  • The Food Bank appoints Mercadona'Matrona de Murcia' 2017 (19/01/2018)
    José Ballesta and Bonifacio Fernández present the award to the company "for their generous collaboration over the last few years, especially during the big collections"
  • The Training Plan of the City of Murcia this year will offer 74 training actions with 151 editions (19/01/2018)
    The General Negotiation Table today approved this program that includes training actions on new technologies, sign language, equality policy, and quality in the attention to citizenship, among others
  • IUVRM sees a need for a motion of censure to expel Ortiz and Ballesta from Murcia City Council (19/01/2018)
    The formation of the left considers that it is necessary to put an end to the corrupt and clientelistic practices that have been taking place for decades in the City of Murcia, ruling by the popular
  • Change Murcia and United We can propose that the Ministry of Culture contribute to finance the Salzillo Museum (19/01/2018)
    The deputy of Unidos Podemos Javier Sánchez Serna will raise to the Ministry the proposal of the municipal training
  • Murcia City Council joins the network mySMARTLife Cities Network that works on the design of cities that are more environmentally friendly (19/01/2018)
    In doing so, it promotes the reduction of CO2 emissions, the use of renewable energy sources, the increase of the level of digitalisation and the participation of citizens in the transformation process of urban environments
  • Nearly 250 unemployed will have access to a certificate of professionalism in the Training Program for Employment (19/01/2018)
    In this 2018 training activities will be offered hospitality, first aid, literacy in Spanish to immigrants, physical conditioning, basic skills, vehicle painting and organic farming, among others
  • Researchers of the UMU receive the XXII TEA Ediciones Edition "Nicolás Seisdedos" (19/01/2018)

  • The installation of sensors begins in two ficus of the garden of Floridablanca (19/01/2018)
    With this system, pioneer in all Spain, its status will be monitored in real time, guaranteeing safety
  • The poet Dionisia García presents her complete work at the UMU (19/01/2018)

  • A UMU professor proposes a method to save paper in the exams (19/01/2018)
    Luis Fuentes Melero, professor of Psychology at the University of Murcia, has proposed a method to save paper in the exams
  • Murcia exaltation at the National Auditorium at the hand of the UCAM Symphony (19/01/2018)
    The concert organized by the Sinfolírica Foundation and Radio Sol, was a resounding success at the National Music Auditorium in Madrid
  • All Murcia can participate in the embroidery of a new cloak for the Virgen de la Fuensanta (19/01/2018)

  • UMU presents on Monday the IV Conference on Education for the 21st century (19/01/2018)

  • The president of the Spanish Society of Community Nutrition closes today UMU Conference (19/01/2018)

  • The PSOE demands the resignation of the mayor Ballesta for his "complicit silence" before the statements of the councilor of Development (18/01/2018)
    The socialist spokesman affirms that Ballesta was present at the meeting where Ortiz makes the controversial demonstrations and "does not rectify him, but is that it has been more than twelve hours since its publication and remains silent "
  • The International Chair of CSR of the UCAM and Hidrogea celebrate tomorrow a day on administrative procedures in the social and labor field (18/01/2018)
    The act will attend entrepreneurs and students of the Master in Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability and Corporate Intelligence of the Catholic University of Murcia
  • Murcia now calls for the resignation of Ballesta, "knowledgeable and consenting to the practices of Alderman Roque Ortiz" (18/01/2018)
    -The municipal training asks to investigate whether the words of Roque Ortiz and the actions he recognizes are constituting crimes of influence peddling , embezzlement of public funds, bribery, coercion and threats
  • The PSOE calls for the resignation of Ortiz and announces that it will go to the Prosecutor's Office to investigate if his statements are constitutive of crime (18/01/2018)
    The socialist spokesman says that "the statements of the councilor of Development put the mayor Ballesta in a very delicate situation also because he must explain to us what his involvement is in such manifestations "
  • The PSOE denounces to Seprona the 'destruction' of the river bed and brings to the Senate again the restoration of the ashlars of Contraparada (18/01/2018)
    Ayuso criticizes the "aggressive method" to eliminate the cane that affects the flora and fauna and the Senator Oñate has requested the appearance of the president of the Confederation in the Upper Chamber
  • An exhibition of Columbares shows the vision of children between 10 and 12 years of Los Rosales (18/01/2018)
    The initiative is part of the Intercultural Community Intervention Program in El Barrio located in El Palmar, financed by the Fund for Asylum, Migration and Integration and the General Directorate of Migrations
  • The Rector of the UMU supports the public officials denounced by the UCAM (18/01/2018)

  • Murcia agrees with Renfe discounts for tourists who come to the city by train up to 35% (18/01/2018)

  • The Municipal Office of Graffiti this year will make twelve large-scale murals in Murcia and districts (18/01/2018)
    The Department of Development makes an appeal to municipal boards, communities of owners, associations, groups and schools to offer large walls that can be decorated
  • The City Council consults citizens on the measures they consider most effective and urgent for Murcia's adaptation to climate change (18/01/2018)
    Councilor Antonio Navarro has presented this participatory process this morning, which will be open until February 19 through TuMurcia and the municipal website http: //participaentransparencia.es/
  • Functional foods under examination in the first "Science In Short" (18/01/2018)

  • Change Murcia requires Ballesta to cease councilman Roque Ortiz for "proposing allegedly illegal actions" (18/01/2018)
    The training is studying the case before the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office
  • The film "Donde el bosque se espesa", co-produced by young Murcians, arrives at the Regional Film Archive (18/01/2018)
    The Murcian artists Juan Poveda and Pedro Poveda, winners of the CreaMurcia Contest in the categories of documentaries and short films in 2011 and 2012, have co-produced
  • Murcia now demands the mayor to dismiss the councilor for Development (18/01/2018)
    "before his inadmissible words about the hiring in concession companies and the torticera management of public works in districts"
  • Murcia now demands the immediate dismissal of the manager of Emuasa and the directors investigated in the 'Pokémon Box' (18/01/2018)
    We propose the creation in Emuasa of a Control and Supervision Commission, of which members of the Legal Services would be members of the City Council, of Municipal Intervention and of the Service of Contracting of the City council
  • Navarro: "From the Government Team we do not share any technique that could be erosive for the environment" (17/01/2018)

  • Murcia boasts of its wealth in Fitur 2018 (17/01/2018)

  • Change Murcia asks the City Council to demand the stoppage of work with heavy machinery in the Segura river (17/01/2018)

  • The PSOE calls for the expansion of places in day centers to facilitate the lives of our elders and their families (17/01/2018)
    Hernández, who will defend a motion in the Plenary on this matter, warns that "it is a vindication of the municipal councils since years because we only have three municipally owned centers "
  • 'My city teaches' informs schoolchildren of the importance of paleontology and mineralogy in our Region (17/01/2018)
    Councilor for Education, Rafael Gómez, accompanies students from AYS College during their visit to the Paleontological Museum
  • The first scholarship for the best academic record of students with hearing loss is born (17/01/2018)
    Audiological Centers 'Escúchame' and the Associations APANDA and ASPANPAL promote this aid of 1,000 euros for students of universities of the Region of Murcia
  • Cs asks José Ballesta to return from Fitur with a unique and powerful Murcia brand that sells its attributes and singularities (17/01/2018)

  • A campaign in educational, hospitality and leisure centers will reveal the role of assistance dogs with people with disabilities (17/01/2018)

  • The El Pozo Murcia squad returns to work on Monday without four internationals in Cagigal (17/01/2018)

  • A scientific conference on inequality, poverty and welfare in Spain is held at the UMU (17/01/2018)

  • Higher Polytechnic School of the UCAM (16/01/2018)
    Pedro Rivera conveys important expectations to professionals in infrastructure in the Region
  • Change Murcia asks for explanations to the PP for the distribution of food "only to Spaniards" of Lo Nuestro (16/01/2018)

  • UMU and the Association of Occupational Medicine will collaborate in the improvement of the quality of life (16/01/2018)

  • Ignacio García Moreno exposes his vision of the refugee crisis in the UMU (16/01/2018)

  • The first edition of the global conference Urban Intelligence will be held in Murcia on February 6 and 7 (16/01/2018)
    The meeting will allow debating about the latest advances, technological solutions and projects related to smart cities
  • Puebla de Soto opens 12,700 meters of asphalt in 20 streets (16/01/2018)
    José Ballesta maintains a participatory meeting with different neighborhood groups of the district.
  • Cs is committed to the preparation of a preliminary study to avoid possible damage to the buildings adjacent to the works of the AVE (16/01/2018)

  • Murcia promotes domestic recycling with the action 'Cook and Recycle' This initiative, which will have the collaboration of the cultural centers of the municipality, aims to promote among Murcia proper waste management in the domestic field o (16/01/2018)

  • The PSOE welcomes the Office of Suggestions and Complaints to not leave without a single complaint from Murcia (16/01/2018)
    Enrique Ayuso has assured that "it is essential not only that the Office be created, but that it be properly equipped with means human and material, something that we will demand "
  • Schoolchildren of 4 and 5 years of 35 schools will know closely the traditions huertanas of Murcia (16/01/2018)
    Children of the CEIP José Loustau visit the Federation of Peñas Huertanas to recognize the typical foods of the garden, the regional suit or games such as petanque, the caliche or the huerta bowls
  • Social Rights imparts a course of gender equality and prevention of sexist violence to the students of the School of Hospitality of Cáritas (16/01/2018)
    In total about 100 students will benefit from the training offered by the Department of Conchita Ruiz and with the that seeks to achieve an equal and non-discriminatory society
  • Miguelín and Ãlex will represent ElPozo Murcia FS with Spain in the Eurocopa'Eslovenia 2018' (15/01/2018)

  • Murcia advances in co-government with the start-up of the Pediatric Care Office (15/01/2018)

  • Change Murcia denounces that the ornamental lighting of the river contradicts the commitments to fight against climate change (15/01/2018)
    The training proposes to dedicate the budget to illuminate the non-urban stretches of the bike lane
  • A book is presented that deals with the great changes that have occurred in the huerta of Murcia (15/01/2018)

  • PREVIOUS LNFS Jornada - Jaén Paraíso Interior vs ElPozo Murcia FS (15/01/2018)
    A hard game before the break for the European Championship
  • The PSOE celebrates the implementation of the Office of Districts and Districts, which was raised in the amendments of the 2017 Budget (15/01/2018)
    Socialist spokesperson Susana Hernandez says they will be "vigilant" so that this body for the presidents of the 67 Municipal Councils fulfills its mission and that its inauguration "is not another photo"
  • The Alfonso X El Sage of Murcia celebrates its 180th anniversary with numerous activities (15/01/2018)
    The acts will culminate with the launch of its new facilities after a comprehensive reform of the center that has carried out the Community
  • The Holi Life IV Carnival Edition color race arrives at Cabezo de Torres on February 25 (15/01/2018)
    This fun-sporting event will cover the participants with tons of colored powders based on corn flour and natural colors
  • Now Murcia shows its stupor because the dictator Franco retains the gold medal of the city of Murcia and demands his retirement (15/01/2018)
    - The municipal group considers very serious that the maximum recognition granted by the city remains in the hands "of the largest representative of the dictatorship, responsible for the blackest period in the recent history of our country "
  • Innovation, research, creativity and development of the cultural and creative industries flood the Puertas de Castilla (15/01/2018)
    Among the program this year highlights the project 'New Curators', the work 'Witch in the dark scandinavian wilderness' by Darby Old Hag Lahger and the new spaces for creation and artistic research
  • The City Council proposes to build a fairground in Corvera within the strategy of tourism promotion of the districts of the Campo de Murcia (15/01/2018)
    It also attends the call for aid of the Rural Development Program of the Region 2014-2020 with a cover plan and improvement of children's areas in Jerónimo and Avileses, La Murta, Corvera, Sucina and Los Martínez del Puerto
  • Death among the flowers, the IV session of the cinephórum "Science on the big screen" (15/01/2018)

  • "El circo de la sombra" of the Chirigota de Beniaján gave the surprise in this COAC 2018 with a remarkable staging (14/01/2018)

  • Fernando López Miras attends the XXX Encuentro de Cuadrillas and Fiesta de las Pelotas de Patiño (14/01/2018)

  • Pruning of more than 10,000 roses in Murcia and districts begins (14/01/2018)

  • The number of unemployed in Murcia is reduced to pre-crisis levels (14/01/2018)
    Unemployment among people aged between 25 and 44 years stands at 14.5%, ten points less than the level recorded in 2012 and 2013
  • The Secretary of State of Tourism grants to 'The lunches of tourism' the prize for the Best Improvement Project of the Integral System of Tourist Quality in Destination (13/01/2018)
    In addition, Murcia has been chosen to form part of the Interdestin Committee of the Integral System of Tourist Quality Spanish in Destinations
  • Social Rights allocates more than one million euros in subsidies to the most vulnerable groups (13/01/2018)
    The council that directs Conchita Ruiz invests nearly 900,000 euros to social services projects and 225,000 euros to social welfare projects
  • "The key to business success lies in training" (13/01/2018)
    Female Entrepreneurship Program
  • Change Murcia proposes a plan to modify the Regulation of Citizen Participation (12/01/2018)

  • Murcia Sports Club Wheelchair Basketball joins the sports family of San Antonio Catholic University (12/01/2018)

  • Family businesses perceive a clear improvement in the economic situation, according to the Barometer presented at the UMU (12/01/2018)

  • The Palacio de los Deportes parquet will be completely replaced to avoid problems in the future (12/01/2018)
    After suffering anomalies, Felipe Coello, Councilor for Sports and Health, has announced that the floor of this pavilion will be changed between January 17 and 25
  • Young Murcia can enjoy Granada and Sierra Nevada for only 119 euros (12/01/2018)
    The trip, framed within the 'Murcia Bajo Cero' Program in collaboration with the general direction of Youth, will allow dozens of Murcia and Murcia to ski or snowboard besides making cultural visits
  • The municipal boards of districts disposed of 8.2 million euros last year for investments and to maintain public services (12/01/2018)

  • Cs asks José Ballesta for explanations about the prosecution of the local fire and police examinations (12/01/2018)

  • Signed the agreement for the XXIII edition of the Vargas Llosa Novel Prize (12/01/2018)

  • The remains that appear on Madre de Dios street bear no relation to the Arab baths since they belong to the eighteenth century (12/01/2018)

  • The IBAFF festival will award 10,000 euros for the best feature film and short film of this ninth edition (12/01/2018)
    The 2018 International Film Festival will be held from March 2 to 10
  • The PSOE will demand in the Plenary to modify the ordinance of sports facilities to be free for all teams (12/01/2018)
    Councilman Juan Vicente Larrosa ensures that the fact that the City Council charged to use the football fields with the season underway will force many groups to leave the competition or to look for options in other municipalities
  • Team plus Hobby, victory assured (12/01/2018)
    Plásticos Romero Cartagena vs ElPozo Murcia FS
  • Development Cooperation collaborates with the supply of drinking water to the Ivorian town of Roc (12/01/2018)
    In the municipality there are more than 1,500 inhabitants, of which only 400 can have water supply every day
  • Now Murcia: "the city council is not applying the municipal plan against energy poverty approved in May" (11/01/2018)
    - The municipal formation has also asked Ballesta today for the subsidy that the Consistory supposedly received from the CARM last month. November, for almost 280 thousand euros, for the fight against energy poverty
  • Sports facilitates the free use of the municipal football fields for all the lower categories of the clubs (11/01/2018)

  • Miguelín: "I'm sure the team will leave the skin, along with our fans, for the three points" Previous regional derby (11/01/2018)

  • The UCAM open the registration to participate in the Scientific Olympics (11/01/2018)

  • Citizens request the PP information about the illegal installation of a telecommunications antenna in Llano de Brujas (11/01/2018)

  • The PSOE warns that "a definitive and effective action plan is needed to put an end to the fear of the fall of ficus branches" (11/01/2018)
    Ayuso emphasizes that the Floridablanca Garden closes in anticipation of wind because it is fenced and can be closed but the other monumental trees, such as those on the facade of the Reina Sofía Hospital, are not isolated
  • Two professors of Ibero-American universities will be able to apply for two scholarships to carry out doctoral studies at the UMU (11/01/2018)

  • The universities of Murcia and Zaragoza, unique in Spain in reaching the US Department of Energy in 2018 (11/01/2018)

  • Change Murcia urges Pacheco to call a meeting to guarantee the activity of the music schools (11/01/2018)

  • A new brochure reveals the secrets of the interior of the Cathedral (11/01/2018)
    This publication, of which 5,000 copies will be published, includes the most important areas of construction
  • The City Council awarded ten young entrepreneurs at the Cultural Factory to launch their creative ideas (11/01/2018)

  • A researcher from the UMU wins one of the grants from the Scholarship program "Opportunity to Talent of the ONCE Foundation (11/01/2018)

  • Social Rights and Jesus Abandoned launch the "Housing First" project to accompany the integration of homeless people (11/01/2018)
    The model allows homeless people to start a new stage guaranteeing their inclusion in all aspects of a decent home
  • Closed Floridablanca garden by yellow alert for strong winds (11/01/2018)
    The City Council maintains a device consisting of Local Police, Fire, and Road Cleaning Services, Parks and Gardens and Industrial Services
  • The poster announcing the Cabezo de Torres Carnival will be the work of the artist Gaby Guillén (11/01/2018)

  • Now Murcia demands that the town council support the claims of traditional irrigation (11/01/2018)
    - The municipal training will take the demands of the Transparent Safe Platform to the Plenary
  • The excavation of Madre de Dios Street is being done by an archaeologist (11/01/2018)

  • Ruiz Caballero: "Social Rights has allocated close to 18 million euros in tackling poverty and social exclusion" (10/01/2018)
    Conchita Ruiz, Councilor for Social Rights, responds to the PSOE that it is false that 30,000 families are found in a situation of energy precariousness
  • Ortiz: "The excavation of Madre de Dios Street has the supervision of a team of archaeologists who know a lot more about heritage than the members of Huermur" (10/01/2018)

  • "Humanizing is wanting to help the other to walk in the direction of his own life" (10/01/2018)

  • Ruiz Caballero: "Never has this City Council allocated so many resources and resources to the promotion of equality and inclusive language as it does now" (10/01/2018)
    The Councilor for Social Rights, Conchita Ruiz, reminds Murcia Change the budget increase and the battery of measures carried out in recent months
  • Students from CEIP La Arboleda in Santiago and Zaraiche collect the harvest from their school garden (10/01/2018)

  • Change Murcia criticizes that the local government systematically fails to comply with the regulations on inclusive language (10/01/2018)

  • Fernando, elected Best Young Player of the World 2017 in ElPozo Murcia FS (10/01/2018)

  • The PSOE describes as "intolerable and unforgivable" that 28% of Murcia's population spends cold in their homes (10/01/2018)
    The socialist spokesman will defend in a motion a greater economic endowment for social emergency in the 2018 Budgets, the revision of the thresholds for grant aid and regulation of the use of the contingency fund
  • The first brown bears born in Murcia turn 20 (10/01/2018)
    The Councilor for Modernization of Administration, Urban Quality and Participation, José Guillén, and the Councilor for Sports and Health, Felipe Coello, visited Yaqui and Nuca this morning
  • New conference on 'Aging and degenerative diseases' (10/01/2018)

  • HUERMUR asks for information about the archaeological remains found in Madre de Dios street in Murcia (10/01/2018)

  • 'UCAM App': the University in the mobile (10/01/2018)
    Consult the notes, receive notices from the professor, follow the university news, participate in challenges or benefit from discounts are some of the functions of this application
  • 14 artists will decorate the Santa Quiteria Palace with its works on European cultural heritage (10/01/2018)
    Next Saturday, January 13, in the Plaza de Santa Eulalia, the paintings that will be part of the exhibition will be painted live
  • The Mobile Emergency and Social Care Service serves 50 people so far in "Operation Cold" (10/01/2018)

  • Now Murcia asks for explanations to Ballesta for the blockade of neighbors in the official Twitter account of the town hall (10/01/2018)
    - Alicia Morales points out that "the official accounts of an institution such as the City of Murcia must comply with the principles of transparency and service public information, which may be violated with these blocking actions
  • The Dialogue and management of interest groups is inaugurated in the Faculty of Economics and Business of the UMU (10/01/2018)

  • Pacheco: "I guess García Retegui will not have visited the districts and districts of Murcia at Christmas" (09/01/2018)
    The councilman of Culture responds to the socialist and explains that the more than 500 scheduled activities have been distributed across most of the neighborhoods and districts of the municipality
  • Murcia City Council receives the 'Transformation 2017' award from the European network CIVITAS (09/01/2018)

  • Social Rights participates in the program 'Two houses, a house' that helps families in separation processes (09/01/2018)
    Conchita Ruiz closes the course of 10 sessions in which it has worked, through workshops, issues such as custody of minors, conflict, loneliness or balance
  • The councilman of Urbanism orders the immediate cleaning of rubble in a site of Sangonera la Seca (09/01/2018)
    The decree provides for the subsidiary execution by the City Council at the expense of the company responsible for the dumping
  • Fede, just think of Cartagena: "We want to win the derby for our fans and thus give them that joy" Previous regional derby (09/01/2018)

  • The UMU professor Marina Aboal, appointed member of the Board of Directors of the International Phycological Society (09/01/2018)
    She is the second person in our country to be part of the board of directors of the renowned company dedicated to the study of algae
  • The UCAM celebrates tomorrow the first Conference 'Humanize care in the residences of the elderly' (09/01/2018)

  • On Saturday the first night race of the year arrives at Ranero, the'Murcia Nights Running' (09/01/2018)
    Councilman Felipe Coello has presented this morning this march that is part of the Murcia Series circuit and celebrates its V Edition
  • The special cleaning device collects more than 105,000 kilos of cardboard and paper after the Day of Kings (09/01/2018)
    The intensive cleaning plan that will be developed until January 20 in La Glorieta, Trapería, Santo Domingo, Avenida Libertad, has begun. Circular Plaza, Alfonso X, Artillery Barracks, ending at the Plaza de La Merced, among others
  • UMU doctoral thesis studied the social history of the naval officers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries (09/01/2018)

  • The UMU holds a seminar on bitcoin, the electronic currency (09/01/2018)

  • The PSOE claims the PP to take into account the neighbors of neighborhoods and districts when redesigning a program of parties (09/01/2018)
    García Retegui says that "it is not fair or just that Ballesta and his team spend large sums of money at parties that do not reach all Murcia, especially when in 2016 the game amounted to 4,255,864 euros "
  • Promotion will improve lighting in the Industrial West Estate benefiting more than a thousand companies (09/01/2018)
    The Contracting Committee proposes the awarding of works to Ferrovial Services
  • Patiño premieres the 'Encuentros a las pelotas' (09/01/2018)
    The 7th edition of the Folkpelotas festival is part of this new initiative that includes workshops, tastings and the 'Noche de caldo'
  • Ends the first phase of KIF-KIF, comics for inclusion, organized by Campus Mare Nostrum (09/01/2018)

  • Let's change Murcia denounces that the illegal San Ginés waste dump continues to receive a large amount of waste (09/01/2018)

  • Guillen: "The requirements of the oppositions to Local Police are those that the regional laws demand" (08/01/2018)

  • Social Rights collaborates in the improvement of the quality of life of cystic fibrosis patients and in attention to immigrants (08/01/2018)
    The City Council will subsidize 8,000 euros to the Murcian Cystic Fibrosis Association and 48,000 to the CEPAIM Foundation
  • Murcia will show its patrimonial wealth and will boost family tourism in Fitur 2018 (08/01/2018)

  • More than 300,000 Murcians and visitors participate and attend the 500 activities programmed during the Christmas holidays (08/01/2018)

  • The PSOE demands that the bases of the oppositions of the Local Police be modified and that the deadline for the submission of candidates be extended (08/01/2018)

  • The Study Rooms in the Municipal Library Network of Murcia reinforce their schedule before the next examination session (08/01/2018)
    Twelve libraries, five study rooms 24 hours and two study rooms in Cultural Centers will be available to students
  • The Minister of Education meets with the association Albores de Murcia (08/01/2018)

  • Murcia breaks the barrier of 700,000 overnight stays in the municipality (07/01/2018)

  • Fomento invests more than 350,000 euros in the maintenance of the improvements of bus lines 30 and 78 (07/01/2018)
    The agreement signed last year with the Autonomous Community allows the extension of the frequency and the reduction of waiting times
  • The children's play area in the Plaza de Carro de Lobosillo already has shade (06/01/2018)
    The next pergolas to be installed are those of the Joaquín García Cabezos garden in Eras Alta and that of the children's area behind the municipal center of La Ñora
  • To start 2018 with victory (06/01/2018)
    PREVIOUS 18th LNFS Conference
  • Murcia City Council is promoting the Project to support the development and management of intervention in health in Sandiara and Thiadiaye This action has been carried out in coordination with the local counterpart "Association Diante Bou Bess&q (06/01/2018)

  • Doubt against Zaragoza: "We can not lose, these games are the ones that make a difference" (05/01/2018)
    PREVIA Jª 18 Regular season
  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation conducted through Google Glass would save 22% more lives (05/01/2018)

  • The skipper of Patiño registers the request so that the Encuentro de Cuadrillas and the parties of 'Las Pelotas' are declared of Regional Tourist Interest (04/01/2018)

  • The ciezano devil returns to Ríos Renovables Zaragoza (04/01/2018)

  • The PSOE highlights the help of almost half a million euros to 62 companies to hire unemployed people with their amendment to the budgets (04/01/2018)

  • Change Murcia does not see "objective reasons" to celebrate the data of job creation during the month of December of 2017 (04/01/2018)
    Those referred by the City of Murcia in their press release do not take into account the corresponding data at the end of the month of December 2017
  • Murcia, ready to receive the Magi (04/01/2018)

  • The Murcian children donate more than 2,000 toys in the Great Christmas Tree of the Circular Square (04/01/2018)
    Red Cross, Cáritas, Puentes de Encuentro and the Educa Association will hand them over to the most disadvantaged children
  • The Municipal Office of the Graffiti realizes a new mural in Corvera with the help of users of Assido (04/01/2018)
    The artists Nels, Bordhe, Tone and Sergio have painted a wall of 65 square meters in the sports courts of the district
  • The UCAM basketball and soccer teams celebrate a twinning and good wishes day for 2018 (03/01/2018)

  • The big Christmas tree in the Plaza Circular opens a Space Maker tomorrow (03/01/2018)
    The youngest will be able to participate in electronic piano workshops, in a space race designing their own Star Wars Millennium Falcon and in Robolimpiadas
  • One hundred local police officers and 22 Civil Protection volunteers will serve in the Cabalgata de Reyes (03/01/2018)
    From 10 am to 11 pm next Friday, the circulation of vehicles of more than 3,500 kilograms will be prohibited in the following streets of the casco urban
  • Gómez: "The City Council resolves the contract for the La Paz nursery following the resignation of the contractor" (03/01/2018)
    The Councilor for Education, Relations with Universities and Heritage, Rafael Gómez, regrets the ignorance of the contracting procedures or the bad Faith of the Socialist Party
  • Now Murcia denounces that Emuasa spends more than 60,000 euros on Christmas food and gifts "while charging Murcia the most expensive water bill in Spain" (03/01/2018)
    - Alzamora stresses the fact that Emuasa's accounts "have no control adequate, as they do not pass through Municipal Intervention
  • The PSOE regrets that Ballesta has led to the resolution of the contract to build the La Paz nursery without the works being started (03/01/2018)

  • Atrezo closes its national tour tomorrow at the large Christmas tree in the Plaza Circular (03/01/2018)
    The concert, free of charge, will be held at 8.15 pm
  • Next Friday, it will be possible to acquire on-site chairs for the Three Kings Tour in eight areas of the route (03/01/2018)

  • Registered unemployment in Murcia falls by 8.52% in 2017 (02/01/2018)
    Unemployment has decreased especially among people between 25 and 44 years old, who registered a decrease of 11.99%
  • Huermur requests greater protection for the Cascales Institute (02/01/2018)
    And that their assets return
  • The PSOE celebrates the price reduction in parking fords by 50%, measure that comes into force at the request of the Socialist Group (02/01/2018)

  • The Santa Eulalia Merchants Association was created by the Urban DNA project (02/01/2018)

  • Now Murcia underlines the "imperative need" to increase pediatric emergencies in the hospitals of the municipality (02/01/2018)

  • Murcia hosts tomorrow one of the best large-scale shows that combines theater, mobile elements and pyrotechnics (02/01/2018)
    'Velas y vientos', from the Valencian collective Xarxa Teatre, can be seen tomorrow in the Garden of Fame at 19:00 hours
  • Urbanism subsidizes with 206,000 euros the rehabilitation of facades of buildings in neighborhoods and districts (01/01/2018)
    The largest amount will go to recover the residential complex with hermitage in Finca La Peraleja de Sucina
  • The City of Murcia allocates more than 150,000 euros for the promotion of trade in the municipality (01/01/2018)
    The council that directs Maruja Pelegrín delivers 134,000 euros in aid to associations of merchants of Murcia and districts and 26,500 € for sellers of the Plazas de Abastos

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