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Murcia News - January 2021

detail of Murcia
  • [El Foro de Barrios destaca la importancia de la participación vecinal y la necesidad de nuevas infraestructuras en la zona Sur (31/01/2021)

  • [El Ayuntamiento de Murcia aplica un tratamiento anti grafiti en los lagos y fuentes del municipio (31/01/2021)

  • [El PSOE denuncia que el empeño del PP por tapar la vacunación de Coello salpica al Portal de la Transparencia (30/01/2021)

  • [El Ayuntamiento celebra cerca de 100 bodas civiles durante 2020 (30/01/2021)

  • [El Ayuntamiento de Murcia intensifica la campaña de reposición de arbolado con 800 ejemplares (30/01/2021)

  • [El Servicio Municipal de Salud actualiza los datos del proceso de vacunación en el Portal de Transparencia (29/01/2021)

  • [Las Bibliotecas de Murcia mantienen su actividad con el servicio de préstamo y devolución de libros (29/01/2021)

  • [El PSOE de Sánchez, Illa y Conesa se ríe de todos los españoles al anteponer las elecciones en Cataluña a la gestión de la pandemia (29/01/2021)

  • [El PSOE pregunta a Ballesta qué tiene que ocultar para no decidir el cese de Coello (29/01/2021)

  • [Francisco Lucas: "Ballesta y Coello se ríen de toda la ciudadanía que aún no se ha podido vacunar por el descontrol en el protocolo" (29/01/2021)

  • [El Ayuntamiento amplía el plazo de teletrabajo para los empleados municipales (29/01/2021)

  • [Murcia incrementará su red de carriles bici completando el mallado de la ciudad y expandiéndose a pedanías (29/01/2021)

  • [El Ayuntamiento ya ha destinado más de 2,5 millones de euros de ayudas directas a familias vulnerables desde que empezó la pandemia (29/01/2021)

  • [El proyecto ADN Urbano desembarca en los barrios de Santiago el Mayor y el Progreso (29/01/2021)

  • [Mario Gómez no tiene ninguna autoridad moral para pedir el cese de ningún concejal (28/01/2021)

  • [Podemos acusa al alcalde de respaldar la gestión de Coello y, con su silencio, apoyarle a pesar de haberse saltado el protocolo (28/01/2021)

  • [El PSOE lamenta que Coello se agarre al sillón y exige a Ballesta que sea responsable y lo cese (28/01/2021)

  • [Santa Eulalia se viste de amarillo (28/01/2021)

  • [El Ayuntamiento brinda a las empresas una superficie de más de un millón de metros al lado del aeropuerto internacional (28/01/2021)

  • [El Ayuntamiento contestará las quejas y sugerencias de los murcianos en el plazo máximo de un mes (28/01/2021)

  • [Los Servicios Jurídicos municipales avalan la actividad del concejal Coello en el proceso de vacunación (28/01/2021)

  • [Descubriendo Murcia En Casa (28/01/2021)

  • [El 14,8% de la población municipal ha realizado algún tipo de alteración de su domicilio durante el año 2019 (28/01/2021)

  • [Ciudadanos exige el cese de Felipe Coello (28/01/2021)

  • [El Portal de Transparencia publica toda la actividad del Servicio de Vacunación del Ayuntamiento relativa al Covid-19 (27/01/2021)

  • [El PP pide a Serrano que deje de lanzar bulos sin fundamento como hace su líder Diego Conesa (27/01/2021)

  • [El alcalde de Murcia decreta la ampliación de las medidas anti Covid hasta el 10 de febrero (27/01/2021)

  • [El PSOE exigirá mañana en el Pleno: dimisión de Coello, Comisión de Investigación y listado de vacunados contra el Covid (27/01/2021)

  • [Redes ofrece este fin de semana nueve talleres gratuitos y online para jóvenes (27/01/2021)

  • [Conexión Sur celebra hoy la última jornada del Foro de Barrios desde el canal de YouTube del Ayuntamiento (27/01/2021)

  • [El Plan Hiedra crea perímetros verdes en los parques y jardines y fomenta la concienciación medioambiental (27/01/2021)

  • [We can: "The SMS has committed irregularities in the vaccination campaign and for this it has had the complicity of the City Council" (26/01/2021)

  • [The Department of Health provides the Board of Spokespersons with all the information about the COVID-19 vaccination process (26/01/2021)

  • [The PSOE demands to know the vaccinated ´vip´ of the City Council and what is the selection criteria (26/01/2021)

  • [An online concert to raise funds for research at the University of Murcia on endometriosis (26/01/2021)

  • [The campaign 'Recycle, give and recover for others and for the environment' will be repeated every change of season due to the success of the first edition (26/01/2021)

  • [New intelligent public lighting in the districts that improves the safety of the neighbors and is committed to improving the environment (26/01/2021)

  • [The City Council has assisted 74 homeless people since the beginning of the ´Operación Frío´ (26/01/2021)

  • [The Popular Municipal Group demands from the central government aid to face the extraordinary deficit of urban transport concessionaires (26/01/2021)

  • [Statement from IU-Verdes Murcia after the resignation of Alicia Martínez (25/01/2021)

  • [Councilor Felipe Coello is part of the priority group that can receive the vaccine against Covid-19 (25/01/2021)

  • [Cabaña Buenavista, the favorite restaurant of Murcians in 2020 according to ElTenedor (25/01/2021)

  • [The Murcia City Council ignores the request of the SIME and CCOO to close the municipal libraries and museums despite the high incidence of coronavirus cases (25/01/2021)

  • [We can register an urgent motion requesting the dismissal of Coello (25/01/2021)

  • [The PSOE warns that it will reach the courts if necessary to clarify the "dark" vaccination process in the City Hall (25/01/2021)

  • [The Murcia City Council will publish the vaccination data of councilors and trusted personnel on the Transparency Portal (25/01/2021)

  • [Cs registers an urgent motion to force the cessation of public positions that skip the vaccination protocol (25/01/2021)

  • [The City Council joins ICLEI, the association of local governments for sustainable development (25/01/2021)

  • [More than 45,000 schoolchildren will release reusable masks with messages about caring for the environment (25/01/2021)

  • [Murcia continues to grow and reaches 459,792 inhabitants (25/01/2021)

  • [Murcia lights up red tomorrow to commemorate World Kawasaki Disease Day (25/01/2021)

  • [José María Falgas, the artist who completed the gallery of Rectors of the UMU with the first Regios Commissioners of the institution a decade ago dies (25/01/2021)

  • [They rescue an injured hiker by helicopter in Los Mamellones area (24/01/2021)

  • [More than 650 smart panels have already been installed in Murcia and allow information on the history of the city to be offered (24/01/2021)

  • [Murcia will once again lead the Eurocities digital citizenship working group (24/01/2021)

  • [Cs is still waiting for Ballesta to clarify if the Health Councilor has skipped the vaccination protocol (23/01/2021)

  • [Podemos demands the immediate appearance of Ballesta to explain the vaccination process in the municipality (23/01/2021)

  • [López: "The PSOE is determined to create social alarm" • (23/01/2021)

  • [They rescue a 26-year-old hiker injured in the area of ??Mount Miravete in Torreaüera (23/01/2021)

  • [The PSOE denounces the 'laziness' of PP and Cs that leave those in charge of cleaning schools without charging when they are most needed by the Covid (23/01/2021)

  • [The City Council offers 3,000 benches to the schools of districts and neighborhoods so that they can be installed in their patios (23/01/2021)

  • [Neighborhood participation, the creation of green areas and the need for new infrastructures are the focus of the new edition of the Neighborhood Forum (23/01/2021)

  • [The warning for pollution has been deactivated after recovering adequate levels of air quality in the city of Murcia (23/01/2021)

  • [Local Police receives more than 70 wind warnings in just five hours (22/01/2021)

  • ["The PSOE is delegitimized to determine who complies with the vaccination protocol" (22/01/2021)

  • [Serrano demands the resignation of Coello for getting vaccinated, breaking the protocol and lying (22/01/2021)

  • [The City Council protects more than 6,000 people against Covid-19 (22/01/2021)

  • [The ground floor of Pavilion 2 of the Artillery Barracks will be a new COVID Point (22/01/2021)

  • [The City Council facilitates the rehabilitation and recovery of the historic building of the Torre Aledo de Churra House (22/01/2021)

  • [Professor Francisca Moya del Baño, wins the José Loustau award from the UMU Social Council (22/01/2021)

  • [Activated the ´Emergency Protocol in Parks and Gardens´ due to the yellow warning due to strong winds (22/01/2021)

  • [The Pool Objective continues to place water as the central axis of the municipality's green areas (22/01/2021)

  • [Socialist Youth of the Municipality of Murcia demands the resignation of Popular Councilor Felipe Coello (22/01/2021)

  • [Podemos asks for the resignation of the Councilor for Health, Felipe Coello, for skipping the vaccination protocol (21/01/2021)

  • [Mayor Jos� Ballesta has not received the Covid vaccine (21/01/2021)

  • [The PSOE requests the resignation of councilor Coello (21/01/2021)

  • [VOX Murcia demands the resignation of Coello for skipping the vaccination protocol against COVID-19 (21/01/2021)

  • [Conexi�n Sur starts today the second edition of the Neighborhood Forum with free access from the City Council's YouTube channel (21/01/2021)

  • [The PSOE asks Ballesta if he or any of his councilors have been vaccinated (21/01/2021)

  • [The City Council reviews in detail the eucalyptus trees of more than 20 meters in the La Seda garden, guaranteeing the safety of the neighbors (21/01/2021)

  • [Murcians deposit more than 218,000 kilos of organic waste from the start of the brown container (21/01/2021)

  • ["The City Council has transparently reported the entire vaccination process against Covid" (20/01/2021)

  • [The warning protocol for atmospheric pollution has been activated at its mildest level in the city of Murcia (20/01/2021)

  • [Esther Nevado: "After seeing councilors vaccinated, we wonder if they have the specific training required and if they are following the Ministry's Strategy" (20/01/2021)

  • [The University of Murcia participates in the entrepreneurship program �TechnovationGirls� (20/01/2021)

  • [Federico Mayor Zaragoza, Doctor Honoris Causa by the UMU, offers this Thursday the lecture 'Inventing the future' (20/01/2021)

  • [The enrollment period for the UCAM Higher School of Languages ??is now open (20/01/2021)

  • [The Impuls @ project will improve the employability of people at risk of social and labor exclusion (20/01/2021)

  • [The Muslim cemetery increases its capacity with the construction of 69 new graves (20/01/2021)

  • [Municipal theaters reschedule nine postponed shows (20/01/2021)

  • [The Shadow Plan will install 160 new canopies, of which 80% are being located in districts (20/01/2021)

  • [The students of the Infanta Cristina de Puente Bacinos school �navegan� through the depths of the UMU Aquarium (20/01/2021)

  • [The president of the CHS has held a working meeting with the Association of Neighbors of Beniaj�n (19/01/2021)

  • [A total of 33 bidders present an offer for the refurbishment of the Rueda de La Ã'ora environment (19/01/2021)

  • [The carnivals of the municipality will organize activities parallel to the parades (19/01/2021)

  • [IBAFF XII will be held from June 18 to 26, 2021 (19/01/2021)

  • [Conexi�n Sur begins the second phase of the participatory process with a new Telematic Neighborhood Forum (19/01/2021)

  • [Workers and users of Jes�s Abandonado receive the second dose of the vaccine against Covid-19 (19/01/2021)

  • [A man dies after falling from a height of 4-5 m inside an industrial warehouse in Alquer�as (19/01/2021)

  • [The PSOE demands the immediate closure of the betting houses to avoid contagion by Covid-19 (19/01/2021)

  • [Murcia will become part of the European cycling route Eurovelo 8 this year (19/01/2021)

  • [We can bring the closing of the betting houses to the Plenary (19/01/2021)

  • [Tranv�a de Murcia obtains the highest rating from its users since the measurements began in 2012 (19/01/2021)

  • [Parks and Gardens carries out a stump removal campaign recovering spaces for new trees (19/01/2021)

  • [Pilar Torres: "The PSOE puts its political revenge before the social care of the homeless" (18/01/2021)

  • [Murcia will have the first local strategy that will make it possible to improve the care provided to homeless people (18/01/2021)

  • [The PSOE evaluates the Homeless People Strategy and regrets the shortage of public places and the economic misery that is destined (18/01/2021)

  • [The City Council continues today with the vaccination campaign against Covid-19 to the staff of mutual insurance companies (18/01/2021)

  • [�Murcia Mi Ciudad Enseà ± a� prioritizes virtual activities during the next two weeks (18/01/2021)

  • [Work begins on the El Esparragal bike lane, creating a continuous route of more than 11 kilometers of bicycle network (18/01/2021)

  • [Parks and gardens maintain the �green cycle� by recycling pruning mulch, avoiding waste burning and betting on the Murcia Clean Air strategy (18/01/2021)

  • [Fire in the place El Puntarr�n (Murcia) (17/01/2021)

  • [�Reina Roja�, �Aquitania� and �All that happened with Miranda Huff�, among the most loaned books during Christmas (17/01/2021)

  • [The San Francisco Plan will become the large pedestrian plaza at the entrance to Murcia R�o (17/01/2021)

  • [The City Council celebrates four civil weddings adapted to the new health regulations (16/01/2021)

  • [The City Council vaccinates 500 health professionals this weekend against Covid-19 (16/01/2021)

  • [The City Council improves the urban landscape quality with the rehabilitation of medians (16/01/2021)

  • [The 585 and El Palmar youth centers transfer the courses and workshops to the online format (16/01/2021)

  • [A court condemns the city of Murcia, considering the actions of the Court in the Opposition of Local Police Commissioners contrary to law (15/01/2021)

  • [The PSOE supports all measures against Covid but they have to be more courageous to be effective (15/01/2021)

  • [The secrets of the Berber zarcero are revealed in an exhibition that houses the Interpretation Center of La Contraparada (15/01/2021)

  • [Murcia City Council approves the first job waiting list in which all applicants are people with disabilities (15/01/2021)

  • [The essential municipal services create bubble groups to guarantee the attention to the citizen (15/01/2021)

  • [The City Council protects more than 4,000 people against Covid-19 (15/01/2021)

  • [The City Council postpones theater programming and suspends youth activities (14/01/2021)

  • [Murcia City Council extends vaccination against Covid-19 to Viamed San Jos� Hospital in Alcantarilla (14/01/2021)

  • [The Murcia City Council is committed to the safety of the neighbors and the improvement of the environment through the renovation of the lighting in the municipality (14/01/2021)

  • [Social and economic agents mark the roadmap of the Circular Economy Strategy (14/01/2021)

  • [The surroundings of the Las Boqueras special education school and the center of Asteamur already have traffic lights adapted to people with autistic disorder (14/01/2021)

  • [UMU professor Francisco Javier Rodr�guez Lozano, winner of the National Academy of Medicine for his research in Pediatric Dentistry (14/01/2021)

  • [Graduates of the Higher Polytechnic School of UCAM awarded for their final degree and master's work (14/01/2021)

  • [Seriously injured in a traffic accident with trapped people on the A-7 PK 563 in Murcia (13/01/2021)

  • ["The party that encouraged demonstrations and rallies cannot speak of irresponsibility" (13/01/2021)

  • [The president of the CHS has held a working meeting with the mayor of Murcia (13/01/2021)

  • [Bel n L pez: "The PSOE has become a specialist in evading its management responsibilities" (13/01/2021)

  • [The PSOE demands that Ballesta suspend all non-essential municipal activity (13/01/2021)

  • [PP: "Podemos wants to take advantage of the Covid to turn Murcia into a banana republic" (13/01/2021)

  • [Gin s Ruiz Maci : "Ballesta must also take measures to stop the spread of the virus in the municipality" (13/01/2021)

  • [The PSOE asks to establish a plan to evaluate the ventilation of each school in order to reduce to the maximum the risk of contagion by Covid (13/01/2021)

  • [Municipal study rooms reach nearly 60,000 users in 2020 (13/01/2021)

  • [The College of Geologists requests a geotechnical study for the works of the Ronda Oeste de Murcia (13/01/2021)

  • [Podemos asks Ballesta to suspend all non-essential municipal activity (13/01/2021)

  • [The Three Cultures come together again in the Murcia of the XXI century through video games, illustration and silk (13/01/2021)

  • [Ballesta asks the CHS to lower the price of water to Murcian families to face the social crisis of Covid (13/01/2021)

  • [The social care program developed by Oblatas in Murcia has provided support to 221 women victims of sexual exploitation in the last year (13/01/2021)

  • [The PSOE of Puente Tocinos demands more personnel in the Health Center to expedite health care and avoid the risk of contagion of Covid-19 in the district (12/01/2021)

  • [14 bidders present an offer for the maintenance of facilities and heating in schools and municipal offices (12/01/2021)

  • [The PSOE asks the government team to extend teleworking among City Council employees to avoid contagion risks (12/01/2021)

  • [The Murcia City Council extends the vaccination against COVID-19 to the Hospital de Molina de Segura (12/01/2021)

  • [The City Council prepares the trees for the children's schools in the municipality, betting on natural environments for the little ones (12/01/2021)

  • [The Local Police carry out more than 4,500 actions during the special Christmas arrangement (12/01/2021)

  • [The Education Association promotes the schooling of 17 minors from vulnerable families with its school of education (12/01/2021)

  • [The PP denounces that councilor Esther Nevado is leading the PSOE into a populist drift at the cost of the suffering of the weakest (11/01/2021)

  • [Atenci n Ciudadana resumes the usual hours in the offices of districts and neighborhoods and the three central offices (11/01/2021)

  • [The PSOE regrets that PP and Cs have not been able to provide additional spaces to accommodate homeless people in the heat of the cold wave (11/01/2021)

  • [Puente Tocinos joins the Alberca Objective with the new Juana Jug n fountain (11/01/2021)

  • [The Juan Carlos I Conciliation Center will continue to be open following the Podemos complaints (11/01/2021)

  • [The Local Police imposes 687 complaints this weekend for breaching health regulations (11/01/2021)

  • [The voice of Mariana Pineda and a musical version of La fierecilla tomada arrive this week at the municipal theaters (11/01/2021)

  • [Pilar Torres: "Serrano once again exhibits his ignorance of how municipal services work" (10/01/2021)

  • [The Murcia Libraries return to their usual hours after the Christmas holiday period (10/01/2021)

  • [The PSOE demands from Ballesta a solution for the more than 30 families that have been left without conciliation service (10/01/2021)

  • [The City Council places all its resources at the service of the Community for the vaccination campaign against Covid-19 (10/01/2021)

  • [The City Council works on the maintenance of more than 3,000 square meters of the Infante Lake (10/01/2021)

  • [The City Council has assisted 56 homeless people this winter within the framework of 'Operation Cold' (09/01/2021)

  • [The City Council pruned more than 10,000 rose bushes to extend their flowering in spring (09/01/2021)

  • [The City Council activates a special disinfection device in educational centers on the occasion of returning to school after the Christmas holidays (09/01/2021)

  • ["We can support the PSOE in its drift to discredit the spirit of Christmas" (08/01/2021)

  • [We can blame Ballesta for creating a false sense of security and normality with Christmas events (08/01/2021)

  • [Murcia deposited 16% more special waste last year than in 2019 (08/01/2021)

  • [Fructuoso demands that the 300 families who applied for rental aid be cared for (08/01/2021)

  • [The Murcia City Council vaccinates this weekend personnel from the La Vega, Quir n del Infante, Mesa del Castillo and Ibermutuamur hospitals (08/01/2021)

  • [Urban Development finalizes the cleaning work of scuppers located in the parks and gardens of the municipality (08/01/2021)

  • [Tranv a de Murcia improves the frequencies of passage at rush hour towards Universities and modifies the end of service schedule (08/01/2021)

  • [The Murcia City Council publishes a comic of 'Luces de bohemia' with a version of illustrations by C sar Oliva (08/01/2021)

  • [The tradition of Patiño's balls conquers Alfonso X El Sabio (08/01/2021)

  • [Almost 160 people with disabilities in the municipality benefit from bonotaxi aid that exceeds 81,000 euros (08/01/2021)

  • [Pilar Torres: "All the families who use the Concilia Program will continue to receive attention" (07/01/2021)

  • [The City Council launches a special device for street cleaning due to the rains (07/01/2021)

  • ["What really bothers the socialists is Christmas itself due to its ideological criteria" (07/01/2021)

  • [Serrano asks Ballesta to stop giving priority to the show because that way we will be able to reduce contagions (07/01/2021)

  • [The bus station will improve its facilities next fall (07/01/2021)

  • [The portal Murcia in Figures increases the number of inquiries in 2020 by almost 20% compared to the previous year (07/01/2021)

  • [A short recreates the entrance of the Magi to Murcia through the Fortresses of the Wolf King (06/01/2021)

  • [The City Council coordinates the donation of 20,000 kilos of clementines to the Food and C ritas Bank (06/01/2021)

  • [Atenci n Ciudadana expands its service in La Pur sima-Barriomar to facilitate the presentation of allegations in relation to expropriations in the area (05/01/2021)

  • [The master craftsmen of Puente Tocinos make two nativity scenes for the winners of the draw Enseña Tu Bel n (05/01/2021)

  • [The campaign Un gift, a smile distributes 321 toys among vulnerable families served by the Parish C ritas (05/01/2021)

  • [The Murcia City Council prepares the more than 26 km of Murcia River bike lanes to promote a healthy life through sport (05/01/2021)

  • [More than 800 patients will benefit from the reservations reached yesterday during the blood donation marathon (05/01/2021)

  • [Gifts of Kings for the Little Sisters of Los Pobres thanks to the solidarity raffle of the Murcian bookstore Folder (05/01/2021)

  • [Almost 400 families in the municipality benefit from more than 650,000 euros in housing rental aid (05/01/2021)

  • [Lope de Vega's verses open in 2021 at the Romea Theater, which is hosting the comedy La viuda valenciana this Friday (05/01/2021)

  • [Jes s Pacheco: "The Three Wise Men do not understand parties or ideologies" (04/01/2021)

  • [The PSOE guarantees the largest investment in history that the Government of Spain has made in the municipality of Murcia (04/01/2021)

  • [The City Council will provide the vaccine against COVID-19 in the Home for the Elderly Home of Nazaret in Rinc n de Seca (04/01/2021)

  • [The influx of donations in the City Council exceeds expectations and in just two hours more than 100 are counted (04/01/2021)

  • [The City Council reinforces the awareness campaign on the correct use of the equipment removal service (04/01/2021)

  • [The Three Wise Men will arrive in Murcia by plane and they will tour the districts in a convertible bus (04/01/2021)

  • [The City Council and the Red Cross have provided social care to 1,565 Murcian families since the beginning of the pandemic (04/01/2021)

  • [Cyclist seriously injured when colliding with a tourist (03/01/2021)

  • [ A Magical Christmas broadcast online that shows magicians' tricks in unique spaces in Murcia (03/01/2021)

  • [The City Council receives the NAOS award for the development of a healthy eating program for pregnant women (03/01/2021)

  • [Murcia City Council reduces the irrigation of more than 700,000 square meters of grass meadows (02/01/2021)

  • [Murcia and Seville become the only two Spanish cities to adhere to the European declaration of Circular Cities (02/01/2021)

  • [Murcia City Council will avoid the emission of 18 million kilos of CO2 with the improvements it has made to public lighting this year (01/01/2021)

  • [Sangonera la Seca will improve its sports facilities with the construction of changing rooms on the football field (01/01/2021)

  • [We can denounce that the Municipal Board of San P o ignores the plenary session and continues without removing the banner that denies gender violence (01/01/2021)

  • [Last days to enjoy the exhibition "Chromotopia" by the artist Ranier Splitt in the Sala Veronicas (01/01/2021)


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