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Murcia News - May 2012

detail of Murcia
  • The First Promotion of International Business Certificate UCAM receive their diplomas Scholarships (31/05/2012)
    Scholarship Ceremony and Diplomas to R UCAM Promotion of International Business Certificate
  • The Assembly passes a motion for recovery of the PSOE and musealization Reservoir St. Stephen (31/05/2012)
    Socialist MP stressed the enormous importance of the complex and defended the need to seek additional funding streams for its value
  • The Consistory will collaborate with other institutions to study the possibility of creating a botanical garden in the city (31/05/2012)

  • ... (31/05/2012)

  • Tovar considered shameful that the PP case justify the excesses of Umbra (31/05/2012)
    The socialist leader said that apart from the logical presumption of innocence, and without accusing anyone in advance, it is normal to assume political responsibilities PP after charging Chamber
  • Students of different degrees involved in mock plane crash (31/05/2012)

  • Social Work and University of Murcia CAM announce the Novel Prize XVII Vargas Llosa (31/05/2012)
    The period ending on September 21, 2012 and judgment was made public in December
  • The City Council shows regret at the death of the official Antonio Valencia (31/05/2012)

  • Joint motion to ask the Autonomous Community urgently implement the New Schools Project (31/05/2012)

  • The National Police arrested the manager of a phone shop and an employee for fraud (31/05/2012)
    They forged contracts using real customer data to appropriate the establishment of mobile phones
  • The University of Murcia implemented a purchasing for better prices (31/05/2012)

  • RM requires the mayor EQUO public explanation for his complaint in the case Umbra (30/05/2012)
    This process denotes the municipal government mismanagement characterized by support private projects rather than those of public service
  • Camera: "The first concerned that everything is cleared me" (30/05/2012)
    Mayor faces with "trust and confidence" his statement because "need to know that Murcia Murcia City Council acts legality criteria"
  • IU-Green calls to City Hall to denounce the contract for breach Ferroser (30/05/2012)

  • Lopez: "If I were in the situation would Camera institutional representation as mayor as long as the complaint" (30/05/2012)
    "for the good name of Murcia"
  • PRDE: "Mr. House Go, go!" (30/05/2012)
    "The judge has decided attributed to Michelangelo House Botia in the web of alleged corruption of the North, since his signature appears on nearly all investigated documents "
  • Immigrant women are welcome and training for employment with municipal support (30/05/2012)
    From Downtown Manuel María Vicuña Foundation supports are to be inserted into the working world
  • A ranking places the University of Murcia in 18th place in the dissemination of free software (30/05/2012)

  • The municipalities provide that juveniles who commit crimes or misdemeanors to meet their payment of benefits to the community as a municipality (30/05/2012)

  • The Socialist Group calls for the PP to fumigate expeditiously in neighborhoods and districts affected by plagues of mosquitoes (30/05/2012)

  • Serna: "We believe that House should leave the hall during their imputation" (30/05/2012)
    UPyD The municipal group has sent personally to the mayor of Murcia his request for resignation after learning of their inclusion in the so-called "case Umbra»
  • The greatest care continue to receive physical therapy in the 76 community centers (30/05/2012)
    Since 1996 have been receiving this benefit
  • The twentieth edition of the Enterprise Project promotes initiatives to create new business opportunities and employment (30/05/2012)
    The deadline ends on September 17
  • 229,000 euros for paving works in three districts of the municipality (30/05/2012)

  • The City collaborates with Aspaym and Famdif to boost job search (30/05/2012)
    The objective is to provide training and information to these groups and promote entrepreneurship
  • Fifteen hundred students have participated in the circuit Educajedrez the University of Murcia, which is closing next Sunday 3 (30/05/2012)
    Memory, intelligence, reflexes and respect the other hand, are some of the enhanced skills in chess
  • The Socialist Group requested the PP to address the issue of prostitution in El Carmen and initiate a process of regeneration in the neighborhood (30/05/2012)
    Councilman Jose Zapata echoes the concerns of neighbors and community college education of two concerted the area where prostitution is practiced in broad daylight
  • They claim that "refuse aid to solve the space problems that the Institute takes years Cabezo Torres dragging" (30/05/2012)
    "The Education, Training and Employment in the Region of Murcia postponed indefinitely the construction of eight classrooms in the IES Rector Francisco Sabater in Cabezo de Torres "
  • 115 university students participated as volunteers in the school building program has treated 200 children (30/05/2012)
    The children have improved their school performance thanks to this project
  • Maria Dolores Garcia Mompeán wins the painting contest Books Flowers and Centers for Women (30/05/2012)
    The exhibition of 21 works of the participants will be open until June 8 in Santa Eulalia
  • Comic books against the crisis (30/05/2012)
    The Murcian Pedro Vera, one of the best known Spanish artists, speaks at the University of Murcia
  • The Socialist Group considers that the complaint seriously damages the image Chamber of Murcia (29/05/2012)
    PSOE spokesman, Peter Lopez, said that the Socialist Party took the conventions of the North to the courts to detect signs that there was a significant significant damage to the heritage of all Murcia
  • XI Workshop Curricular Guidance and Employment Nursing (29/05/2012)
    The Days XI celebrates UCAM Guidance Curriculum and Nursing Jobs
  • Sources stated that the Mayor House is quiet and keeps its activity for all municipal activities have been done with transparency and with nothing to hide (29/05/2012)
    The Spokesman said that transparency is the house brand and the Government of PP and thus hope that this is the opportunity to clarify all issues
  • IU-Green considers "bad news for democracy," the complaint Camera (29/05/2012)
    Mayor of Murcia is charged in the case 'Umbra' for the alleged commission of a crime of trespass management
  • A student at the University of Murcia appears in the Japanese press as a model of student (29/05/2012)

  • Murcia participate in forum The Spanish Capital Markets "organized by Euromoney (29/05/2012)
    Martinez Conesa has exposed the local government finance
  • Murcia, movie set (29/05/2012)
    Encourage and promote the film industry and local audiovisual sector as a whole, as well as facilitate the filming audiovisual and photo shoots in the city are the objectives of the Murcia Film Office
  • The 2012 Festival starts Venagua a new edition with "The Move" in Teatro Circo Murcia (29/05/2012)
    This new event will also serve to mark the 25th anniversary of the Association Columbares
  • The Socialist Party calls for a suspension of all contracts for advisory, consultancy and technical assistance (29/05/2012)

  • How to feed our children? (29/05/2012)
    Health food shop offers the largest in the city
  • IU-Green presented a motion that the Catholic Church pay the IBI (29/05/2012)

  • A student of Master in Economic Development and International Cooperation Award wins Idea II Responsible for the University of Murcia (29/05/2012)

  • Haiku comes to the University of Murcia (29/05/2012)
    The deadline to participate in the first contest of the UMU Haiku expires on June 4
  • Meeting of Murcia XXI Foundation, Tourism, Design and Fashion (29/05/2012)
    is chaired by the Councillor for Sports, Youth and Tourism, Miguel Cascales
  • The jury makes known to the winner of painting Flowers and book (29/05/2012)
    The exhibition opens today at 19 am in the Women's Center of Santa Eulalia
  • Martinez-Cachá presents "Murcia Agreement" which contains the road map to implement electric mobility in cities (29/05/2012)
    The Network III Civitas Forum Spain and Portugal has agreed to advance sustainable urban mobility
  • They call the contest "Chemistry in my environment" (29/05/2012)

  • Martinez-Cachá Honorary Member of the Association of Dietitians-Nutritionists in the Region of Murcia (29/05/2012)

  • IU-Green expressed his "unequivocal" opposition to the abolition of school bus routes (28/05/2012)

  • Department of Nutrition and Biotechnology UCAM-Salvat (28/05/2012)
    UCAM-Salvat The Chair recommends adherence to the Mediterranean Diet
  • The champion of Spain UCAM university (28/05/2012)
    The UCAM has won a total of 46 medals at the last championships in Spain University
  • IU-Green criticized the transport model of the City of Murcia (28/05/2012)

  • Start the Civitas Forum III Spain and Portugal (28/05/2012)
    The General Assembly will be held this afternoon at the City Hall Annex building in Murcia
  • More than three million passengers have used the tram line 1 in its first year of existence (28/05/2012)

  • UPyD Murcia urged the municipal government team to mediate in the conflict between workers of 092 (28/05/2012)
    Training magenta Councilman calls on the Security and Human Resources, Nuria Fuentes, mediation given the "importance" of the facts reported phone service workers
  • The poets sing the pain of humanity at the University of Murcia (28/05/2012)
    Poetry against crisis
  • UPyD Murcia blames the "wrong" design of the tram route are not met expectations traveler (28/05/2012)
    To the spokesman Ruben Serna, data on passenger numbers released by the Traffic and Transport Councillor, Javier Iniesta, show that right now "is not profitable or effective" because of "his evil designs'
  • The Digital City Award Google recognizes the efforts of Murcia in the implementation of new technologies (28/05/2012)
    The Mayor has received the award distinguishes the cities which SMEs are most active on the Internet
  • The 2 nd game of Rooms: ElPozo-Zaragoza, as seen on Saturday at 7 Region of Murcia (28/05/2012)

  • "With the rise of IBI Rajoy, the Murcia will pay 24.1 million euros to the City" (28/05/2012)

  • The staff returns to work tomorrow with Segovia in the head (28/05/2012)

  • Fight against obesity and smoking (28/05/2012)
    The Department of Health is organizing this series of activities to commemorate National Nutrition Day and World No Snuff
  • Maria Dolores Sanchez participates in the inauguration of the ninth exhibition of Painting and Fine Arts school José Loustau (28/05/2012)

  • The Socialist Party says that data from the first year of the tram does not even reach half expected to be profitable (27/05/2012)
    PSOE councilor, Pedro Lopez, calls on the government team that does not take the rooftops with the balance of first year of operation of the tram because feasibility studies predicted a flow of 8.5 million passengers
  • The Centers for Women held a meeting Reading Workshop (27/05/2012)
    takes place tomorrow at 18.00 am in the Conference Hall of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Murcia
  • The City Council continues to support the work of CATS with the extension of its agreement (27/05/2012)
    Provides a total of 50,000 euros for the implementation of activities in support of sex workers
  • Plantation on the Malecon Mediterranean species of the region (27/05/2012)
    It seeks to recover a unique space, bring nature to citizens and encouraging respect for the natural heritage activity is organized by the Friends of the Botanical Garden
  • The Socialist Group calls for the cleaning and fencing the site of St. Stephen become a dump (27/05/2012)
    Pink Sea The mayor said that two and a half years is as it was when found, but has deteriorated with weeds, grass and debris debris that accumulate on the site
  • Conference to meet the new European funding opportunities for mobility and energy efficiency (26/05/2012)

  • Murcia, Civitas host the Third Forum Spain and Portugal (26/05/2012)
    Cities that make up this network will adopt the "Murcia Agreement" on electric urban mobility
  • Solutions agile against the noise issue (26/05/2012)
    Murcia City Council is determined to bring solution to noise problems affecting the city
  • The municipal libraries return to normal (26/05/2012)
    Maria Dolores Sanchez Beniaján visit the library
  • The Socialist Party demands more safety for pedestrians on the street Tower Romo (26/05/2012)
    PSOE councilor Jose Zapata will present to the House this month a plea requesting action to reduce the risk of abuse for pedestrians in several crossings of the busiest roads in the south
  • The new nutritionists and food technologists UCAM receive their diplomas Scholarships (25/05/2012)
    Scholarship Awards and Diplomas to the Third Grade Promotion of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, and Grade II Promotion of Science and Food Technology San Antonio Catholic University (UCAM)
  • Recognition for better neighbors (25/05/2012)
    Adela Martinez-Cachá part in the awards ceremony to mark European Neighbours' Day 2012
  • They give accreditation to students in Secondary Master in Mediation (25/05/2012)

  • The PSOE will be asked to expedite the construction of the South Coast to solve accessibility problems in the districts of the area (25/05/2012)
    Councilman Jose Zapata denounced the serious problems of mobility and accessibility faced by citizens who live in these districts many years
  • ... (25/05/2012)

  • Joglars Els at the Teatro Romea a new version of The National (25/05/2012)
    The show will be today, tomorrow and Sunday, at 21, 22 and 20 hours respectively
  • Over 20 hours of music for tolerance and racial mixing in the Feast of the Three Cultures (25/05/2012)
    The most emblematic squares and streets of the city of Murcia will host, from this afternoon until next Saturday, more than twenty concerts
  • José Miguel Moreno wins the final Creajoven Gastronomy (25/05/2012)
    The dish that has been primarily consists of rice with vegetables from the garden of Murcia and citrus
  • Miguel Cascales offers a reception for participants in the exchange (25/05/2012)
    between the Old Third Murciano Association and Royal Tyside football teams FC and Dundee FC Royal, of the Scottish city of Dundee
  • The River Segura college students know the work of the Friends of the Saharawi people (25/05/2012)

  • Two students compete today UMU for a medal in the Taekwondo World Championship in South Korea (25/05/2012)

  • Chamber notes that the "effort and commitment" of employers should provide a stimulus to overcome the crisis (24/05/2012)
    In the ceremony Business Development Award and Mercury Prize 2011
  • "This country needs entrepreneurs" (24/05/2012)
    Lao businessman Manuel has given a lecture at the UCAM on 'The vision of innovation and enterprise key'
  • The residents of Los Rosales 280 plant flowers with the initiative 'Gardening Okupa' (24/05/2012)
    Adela Martinez-Cachá participated in this activity to involve residents in the care of the neighborhood
  • Fiesta on the Malecon intercountry child, Saturday from 10 am (24/05/2012)

  • The merchants distributed 10 bicycles to the winners of the drawing contest Muac (24/05/2012)

  • The Mayor runs the market of Fame, with 750 jobs is the largest municipality (24/05/2012)
    Accompanied by President of the Municipal Board, Rafael Gomez
  • Commissioning of twenty schools during the summer (24/05/2012)
    It will invest around € 700,000 for interior and exterior repairs, adaptation of toilets and other maintenance
  • The Faculty of Sports Science XXXV win the Trophy edition Rector of the University of Murcia (24/05/2012)

  • The students paint the Women's Center of Holy Angel exhibit their works (24/05/2012)

  • Serna, "The rest, health and welfare of the residents is above any other consideration" (24/05/2012)

  • Adela Martinez-Cachá reviews the gardens of Corvera and La Murta (24/05/2012)

  • Murcia Circus Theatre presents this month "Right to Die" a dramatic reading on the impossible reconciliation between reason and intolerance (24/05/2012)

  • Fry and Children prepared for the Championship of Spain (24/05/2012)
    Murcia hosts the Championship Alevín Sector in Spain
  • Almudena Gomez wins the Story Prize hiperbreve VIII (24/05/2012)
    Daniel Montalvo wins the IX Prize for Poetry
  • The Socialist Group in the city prompted an emergency plan to strengthen tourism for the summer (24/05/2012)

  • Two English army trucks and a collection of vintage bicycles incorporate this year's Fair Auto-Retro Murcia (24/05/2012)
    The old Artillery Barracks is hosting this weekend a new edition to be held from 25 to 27 May
  • Start at the University of Murcia R Short Theatre Festival (23/05/2012)

  • Castro, "Councillor for Finance swallowed a speck more interest, being variable, we left to the premium" (23/05/2012)

  • The renowned explorer Miguel Angel Gallego has lectured on Australia (23/05/2012)
    "Australia has never had a war on their territory"
  • ... (23/05/2012)

  • Researchers at the University of Murcia ultrasound study with emotional bonding to parents (23/05/2012)

  • Maria Dolores Sanchez welcomes teachers and students participating in the Comenius project promoted by the school Nebrija (23/05/2012)

  • Los Rosales of El Palmar celebrate tomorrow the "gardening squat" (23/05/2012)

  • Eleven entities work with the City for payment to providers (23/05/2012)
    Within a week have claimed 39 million euros
  • Kike "Who comes to the Palace will not regret it" (23/05/2012)

  • Recognize the career of Professor Jesus Garcia Molina Computing (23/05/2012)

  • Tomorrow begins the registration deadline to apply for any of the 250 seats proposed Youth summer camps (23/05/2012)
    Participation aged between 12 and 15 years
  • IU-Green intends to develop a study to combat poverty in El Carmen (23/05/2012)

  • The Socialist Group calls for the creation of park and ride free on solar rather than extending the ORA (23/05/2012)

  • UPyD Murcia calls dignify the Railway Museum and prevent their disappearance (23/05/2012)
    Sotomayor The mayor calls the City to take care of a museum has a rich heritage and proposes the Artillery Barracks site to promote it as a possible consequence that "other important tourist attraction "of Murcia
  • AFES receives municipal support to keep the focus on families with mentally ill (23/05/2012)

  • More than 330,000 euros for works in districts (23/05/2012)
    Performances will be reinforced paving and lighting
  • Blue in Action presents the documentary "The look of Africa ' (23/05/2012)
    Shows the work of NGOs in Togo, where he treats vision problems among the population
  • Nine chefs vie for the final morning of Gastronomy Creajoven (23/05/2012)

  • Environment joins the bicycle ride of the school's Arboleja (23/05/2012)
    Pupils are celebrating the cultural week dedicated to the bike and ecological education center will include bicycle parking
  • The National Police arrested a young man for robbing lockers in the locker room of a pool of Murcia (23/05/2012)
    forced the locks of the lockers seizing the personal effects and money
  • Vistalegre encourages all neighbors to celebrate the holiday in honor of Mary Mother of the Church (22/05/2012)

  • PSOE: "The tax collection effort PP further weakening the economy of the Murcian" (22/05/2012)

  • The University of Murcia hosts a seminar on the control of pathogens in aquaculture (22/05/2012)

  • The Nora has a new garden in the Plaza of the Constitution (22/05/2012)

  • The National Police arrested seven members of an organization specialized in committing burglary (22/05/2012)
    As part of an investigation in which they have been arrested 21 others
  • Students of the University of Murcia will practice leading company in air conditioning (22/05/2012)

  • XXI Century Educatio magazine devotes special issue to the diversity of the semester (22/05/2012)

  • The Euro-American Physical activity meets at the School of Sport Sciences, University of Murcia (22/05/2012)

  • A sewage system for changing the soccer field El Raal (22/05/2012)

  • The University of Murcia will invest as doctors honorary professors Michael Lappert, George Jeffery and Rafael Carmena (21/05/2012)

  • IU-Green called for participation in tomorrow's demonstration against cuts in education (21/05/2012)

  • The IES Floridablanca wins the XIII edition of the Contest of Highway Safety and Accident Prevention (21/05/2012)

  • Murcia joins the 'Low cost' artistic (21/05/2012)
    The councilman of Culture today attended the presentation of the Tour of Visual Arts in the Region of Murcia
  • Concerts by the tolerances Murcia Three Cultures Festival begins tonight with Rodrigo Leão in Teatro Circo (21/05/2012)
    The Portuguese composer will present their new work: The Magic Mountain
  • The school Our Lady of the Green School Paso and is its waste management and noise control (21/05/2012)
    green patrols have created and developed a noise map to the center
  • Over a thousand runners will gather in the test 10 Km City of Murcia (21/05/2012)
    May choose to do the full race or 5 km
  • IU-Green requests the City Council greater control over working conditions of workers of the subcontractors (21/05/2012)

  • The National Police arrested the author of several sexual abuse of minors in Murcia (21/05/2012)
    The detainee recorded on video episodes of sexual abuse to coerce their victims and keeping them under control
  • The Socialist Group regrets that Chamber miss all trains in relation to planning and cultural tourism (21/05/2012)
    Andrea Garries The mayor accused the PP of not seizing opportunities to generate economic activity in the capital of the Region
  • The Senate debate on the proposed honorary doctorates (21/05/2012)

  • Fire incorporates a new integrated communications system to improve coordination in emergencies (20/05/2012)
    Based on advanced digital switching technology can be integrated with other systems, thanks to its modularity special
  • The Council offers the possibility for youth to learn English in Dublin city this summer (20/05/2012)
    The registration deadline is May 24 to June 1
  • City and University collaborate to improve canteens (19/05/2012)
    A convention defines quality control in the food served to prevent obesity
  • The Socialist Group calls on the PP to launch corporate information pages on social networks (19/05/2012)
    The PSOE mayor Garries Andrea is surprised because the seventh largest city of Spain did not take advantage of the opportunities offered by new technologies to communicate with the citizen
  • The UCAM graduates to promote your I grade students in Communication Studies, Journalism and Advertising (18/05/2012)
    Act Enforcement Scholarship and Presentation of diplomas to students in the First Grade Promotion of Audiovisual Communication, Journalism and Advertising and Public Relations Public UCAM
  • Valcárcel highlights how much "of affection, devotion and emotion" means "for all Murcia Murcia and" Lady of the Arrixaca (18/05/2012)
    The president of the Community has given to the church of San Andrés de Murcia image of the former patron of the city, dating from the thirteenth century, after its restoration at the Regional Centre for Restoration
  • Former President of the Conference of Rectors gave lecture at the University of Murcia (18/05/2012)

  • The Philosophy deans say the cuts put in jeopardy the teaching and research in these studies (18/05/2012)

  • The Socialist Group calls for immediate cessation of the contract to outsource the service of registration (18/05/2012)

  • The Gates of Castile on a journey to the Nordic countries through its cinema (18/05/2012)

  • The Mayor pleasing dedication to Murcia at 41 officials this year have ended his career in the City Council (18/05/2012)
    In a touching act of homage held this morning at the Plenary Hall to mark the feast of St. Rita
  • The National Police arrested the perpetrator of a rape committed in Murcia (18/05/2012)
    The assault occurred when the victim left for a moment the group of friends with whom he was
  • A stroll through the extraordinary guides Ramón Gaya (18/05/2012)
    Rafael Gomez, Denise Garcia and Antonio Albarracín have been responsible this year to showcase the museum to citizens
  • The Bad Plus concert tonight at Teatro Circo Murcia (18/05/2012)
    At 21.30 hours
  • Concerto for violin and piano, tomorrow, in the Hall of Cajamurcia (17/05/2012)
    The musicians took Rafael Carrasco and Begoña interpreted Mozartt pieces, Debussy, Turina and Tchaikovsky, among other classical authors
  • The Global Human Capital Group CEO, Amparo Diaz-Llairó, gave the inaugural lecture VII Employment Forum UCAM (17/05/2012)
    "I encourage students to find work through Linkedin"
  • The UCAM honors its Olympic athletes (17/05/2012)
    The Catholic University of Murcia has made the honor during the celebration of the First National Day of Olympism: the way to London
  • Murcia doubles the amount of waste collected in the collection since its launch 10 years ago (17/05/2012)
    Workshops, games and environmental activities Floridablanca monopolize the Garden to commemorate the World Day for Recycling
  • The theater of the absurd is presented this weekend at the Teatro Romea with the inhabitants of the deserted house (17/05/2012)

  • Lopez: "It's time to give a strong impetus to the Bando de la Huerta to attract more tourism to Murcia" (17/05/2012)

  • Rafa: "Sunday's game in Zaragoza is very IMPORTANT" (17/05/2012)

  • Music, theater, cinema, photography and painting to celebrate a new edition of Venagua (17/05/2012)
    The official opening of the festival will be held at the Teatro Circo de Murcia with "Moving", a film directed by Joao Mota, May 30
  • For the first time ever, 150 human organs and 12 bodies are donated to a university: that of Murcia (17/05/2012)

  • Seminar circuit prey and hiker, this weekend with the Department of the Environment (17/05/2012)

  • Summer swimming and weight training to get fit (17/05/2012)
    Sport offers 700 spaces for practicing bodybuilding for July at the Prince of Asturias and the Palace of Sports
  • The Limonar Infant School gets the award for Green School (17/05/2012)
    Adela Martinez and Maria Dolores Sanchez Cachá have discovered a plaque on the school
  • IU-Green asked to install online computers and wifi in the library of St. James the Greater (17/05/2012)

  • UPyD Murcia stands out because of the actions of the International Day of Museums his "great value" educational, cultural, historical and economic (17/05/2012)
    For the magenta education spokesman, Ruben Serna, historian and official tour guide, "it is essential "enhance the role they play in society and expresses its" total rejection "of measures that will cut
  • Callisto, a network to understand the Sun (17/05/2012)
    University of Murcia involved in a project to measure the electromagnetic noise level
  • Murcia presents the online archive of the Sound Archive of Sound Art and Experimental Music in the Centro de Arte Reina Sofia in Madrid (16/05/2012)

  • Los Almendros receive support to develop new socio-cultural projects in La Alberca (16/05/2012)

  • Officials held Friday at Santa Rita bicycle (16/05/2012)

  • The UCAM signs an agreement with Learning Point, the prestigious NSCA representative in Spain (16/05/2012)
    The agreement was signed by the President of the Catholic University San Antonio, Jose Luis Mendoza, and by the head of the world organization in Spain NSCA Eduardo Soria
  • The athlete Juanma Molina announced this morning at a press conference that is removed from the elite competition (16/05/2012)
    "It's time to put full stop to this chapter"
  • IU-Green adds to the manifestation of the UMU against cuts (16/05/2012)

  • The University of Murcia and the Law Society sign an agreement to provide access to the master of the profession (16/05/2012)

  • UPyD Murcia presented in Parliament an initiative to mark the International Day Against Homophobia (16/05/2012)
    magenta training calls for the inclusion of homosexual couples in the law on gender violence and demand "absolute and unequivocal refusal" for any discriminatory statement grounds of sexual orientation or gender
  • The City Council is committed to training in language exchanges abroad for young people (16/05/2012)
    Youth offers 125 beds for stays of between 7 and 15 days during July and August
  • Go-ahead to draft regulations for the establishment of the Municipal Council of Equality (16/05/2012)

  • Neighbors and hotel in El Progreso show their discomfort by installing a kiosk-bar in the garden in the neighborhood (16/05/2012)

  • Timothy Keohe economist speaks at the University of Murcia of the Spanish crisis (16/05/2012)

  • Statement of the Faculty of the University of Murcia on the reforms and adjustment measures on Universities (16/05/2012)

  • The UCAM and the Foundation created the chair Montoro Gmp German for socio inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities (15/05/2012)
    Jose Luis Mendoza and Antonio Montoro, representatives of both institutions, have signed a collaboration agreement that promotes social integration and employment of people with intellectual disabilities
  • Two students from the University of Murcia, the Taekwondo World Championship, held this month in South Korea (15/05/2012)
    Both come to the Asian country with the potential to medal
  • House congratulates the Moors and Christians for the declaration of National Tourist Interest (15/05/2012)

  • The UCAM II celebrates the Israeli Cultural Week " (15/05/2012)
    The Conference will be held from 15th to 18th May
  • The UCAM presents the Third Edition of Green Festival The Firefly Cast (15/05/2012)
    The event was presented today at the Ministry of Universities, Business and Innovation of the Autonomous Region of Murcia
  • UPyD Murcia denounced the danger of hits on Young Future as a full and prompt solution to the neighbors (15/05/2012)
    For the magenta education spokesman, Ruben Serna, "it is unfortunate that three years later more than 3000 residents are without bus service and no sidewalks "to the nearest bus stop
  • UPyD Murcia warns that 39 million loan that will ask the City Council could be ruinous (15/05/2012)

  • The CHS culminates environmental reclamation works of the Rambla del Carmen, in Murcia (15/05/2012)
    The performance has a total investment of 1.1 million
  • The Socialist Group declines to bad conditions of the loan for payment to providers (15/05/2012)

  • City Council providers charge their bills this month (15/05/2012)
    The Ministry of Finance has looked favorably adjustment plan submitted by Murcia.
  • Organize a workshop of toys from recycled materials (15/05/2012)

  • Carlos Saura brings Murcia Teatro Circo over 20 artists to present their first live (15/05/2012)
    This is a job that exposes its particular conception of light and space, rhythm and movement
  • The UCAM signs an international cooperation agreement with the Foundation Dharma (14/05/2012)
    The agreement was signed by the Presidents of the Catholic University San Antonio, and the Dharma Foundation in Spain, Jose Luis Mendoza and Eduardo Santos, in the presence of Vice Dean of degree in law from the UCAM, Francisco de la Torre
  • Pelegrin visit the offices of The New Javalí Esparragal and to further improve primary care (14/05/2012)

  • More than 500 people will visit Murcia next year to attend the Congress of Sports Media and Sport Gala (14/05/2012)
    Mayor today met with the president of this group, M ª Carmen Izquierdo
  • The economic crisis and the German stock arrives tomorrow at Teatro Circo Murcia (14/05/2012)

  • The Wizard presents the next October all four sides (14/05/2012)

  • More than thirty of activities to commemorate the International Day of Murcia Museums (14/05/2012)
    The four museums will have a schedule to be held from 16 to 23 May, with concerts, exhibitions, lectures, guided tours, talks ...
  • Presented Today the International Congress of flamenco, which meet at The Union scholars and artists (14/05/2012)
    is one of the courses of the Sea International University
  • Previous FINAL EDITION II Cup Majesty the King - At the Copa del Rey! (14/05/2012)
    FC Barcelona-El Pozo Murcia FS Alusport
  • Lopez: "Better a tram month total investment of the municipal budget to trade all year" (14/05/2012)

  • IU-Green made a regulation of public participation (14/05/2012)

  • The Socialist Group claims that the library of El Palmar in breach of rules of accessibility (13/05/2012)
    The PSOE councilor, Susana Hernandez, criticizes that most district of Murcia has a library too small that even is adapted to the basic policy Accessibility People with disabilities
  • New batch of experts in law graduate from UCAM (12/05/2012)
    Graduation Ceremony of the VI Promotion of Graduates in Law and the Fourth Promotion Masters in Advocacy and Legal Practice
  • The UCAM signs an agreement with a senior clinical medical technology (12/05/2012)

  • The Socialist Party denounced yet again the insecurity generated by the state of the pavement of the road linking the highway to San Javier with Gea and Truyols (12/05/2012)
    Councilman Jose Zapata returns to claim the attention of municipal and regional PP in the final paving stretch between the House Pelada (cross port Garruchal) and San Javier motorway
  • The UCAM signs a collaboration agreement with the Construction Technology Centre Region (12/05/2012)
    The agreement includes facilitating scientific exchange and assistance between the two institutions
  • The City of Murcia is attached to the award of the Gold Medal Clemente Garcia (12/05/2012)
    The former general secretary of the municipality of Murcia presided CROEM July 1972 to April 1979
  • The UCAM involved with road safety (11/05/2012)
    San Antonio Catholic University of Murcia has inaugurated this morning the Second Conference on Road Safety
  • The UCAM graduates to promote graduates XI CAFD (11/05/2012)
    Act Enforcement Scholarship and Presentation of diplomas to students of XI Promotion of Science Degree in Physical Education and Sport of the UCAM
  • Day of Solidarity I Lorca Earthquake Anniversary (11/05/2012)
    The UCAM shows solidarity with the city of Lorca, the first anniversary of earthquake
  • Civil Engineering Employers offer their assistance to the City Council to promote future projects of the city (11/05/2012)

  • IU-Green claims that the "mismanagement" of Murcia City Hall will cost more than 16 million in interest (11/05/2012)

  • The municipal opposition supports the claims of AMPA New Schools and demand solutions to the city of Murcia (11/05/2012)

  • Iniesta involved in the day that celebrates the UCAM Traffic in Los Jerónimos (11/05/2012)

  • The Mayor celebrates the holidays with their neighbors Vistabella (11/05/2012)
    House takes a look at the decorated streets of this neighborhood because of its celebration in honor of Our Lady of Fatima
  • Vistabella ends its festivities in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima (11/05/2012)

  • The Socialist Group maintains the requirement of a library for the hamlet of Stables (11/05/2012)

  • The Office of the Bicycle Foundation is working with the diagram in healthy activities (11/05/2012)

  • Awarded the research work of two professors of psychology at the University of Murcia (11/05/2012)

  • Teatro Circo Murcia extended until May 19 the exhibition Memoirs of Hadrian by Pedro Cano (11/05/2012)
    With Scene Painters in the Theater aims to bring to other sectors of culture
  • The North District Board passes a motion of IU-Green for the provision of educational (11/05/2012)

  • Teatro Circo Murcia hosts the premiere of Ophelia (11/05/2012)

  • A pair of wild storks nest for the first time in the park Terra Natura Murcia (11/05/2012)
    More than 40 years or so that there is a nest of this species in Murcia
  • The Socialist Party demands to return the money to the neighboring districts to which was applied retroactively at the ford (11/05/2012)

  • Students of the University of Murcia won the competition for the best ECI (11/05/2012)

  • Agreement of the Board of the Faculty of Medicine (11/05/2012)

  • Study hall opens Stables (11/05/2012)
    is located in the Civic Center multipurpose and has 45 places for study
  • Emilio Butragueño "The Real Madrid Foundation transmit values ​​through Sport" (10/05/2012)
    Emilio Butragueno has collected the prize in the `Heart UCAM committed ', awarded by the Spanish Association of Transplanted to the Real Madrid Foundation for his work on behalf of the victims of the earthquake in Lorca
  • IU-Green accuses House of wanting to divert attention from the state of small businesses (10/05/2012)

  • The PSOE criticized the incompetence of the City Council to resolve the situation CEIP New Schools (10/05/2012)
    The PSOE councilor Susana Hernandez supports parents and the educational community of New Schools CEIP El Palmar and calls to the Councillor for Education to be more aware of the issues in your area
  • The University of Murcia will work with the scientist José María Ordovás in the field of nutrigenomics (10/05/2012)

  • IU-Greens denounced the "ineffectiveness" of the City Council regarding "New Schools" (10/05/2012)

  • They continue the festivities in the neighborhood of Vistabella with the celebration of the Senior lunch and tour of the decorated streets (10/05/2012)

  • The Mayor joins the tribute to former player of Real Murcia Antonio Tortosa (10/05/2012)
    Buy a ticket to the charity match to be played in the Condomina May 27
  • Previous Marfil Santa Coloma, El Pozo Murcia FS (10/05/2012)
    Just win it
  • "Europe and the Jewish world" marks the beginning of the XII Festival Murcia Three Cultures (10/05/2012)

  • Opens its doors on new youth center in El Palmar (10/05/2012)
    will be managed by the associations of the parish
  • The Brotherhood of Our Father Jesus honors the Parachute Brigade before beginning his trip to Afghanistan (10/05/2012)

  • The Mayor believes the Information Office of the Municipal Activity a guarantee of transparency in municipal management (09/05/2012)
    spoke at the opening of the conference on "Participation, Transparency and Urbanism"
  • Chamber holds that the best way to ensure adequate financing of municipalities shall define the powers (09/05/2012)

  • IU-Green is your House Huerta West (09/05/2012)

  • The Mayor presents "Muac", the new brand of small businesses Murcia (09/05/2012)

  • The romance of the milling and the mayor presented Thursday at the Teatro Romea in Murcia (09/05/2012)
    This classic romantic manners by Pedro Antonio de Alarcón, will be held at 21 am
  • On Friday is the deadline to qualify for the Prize II Responsible Idea (09/05/2012)

  • Murcia celebrates Europe Day with a booth information and activities (09/05/2012)

  • The Student Activities Office organizes a competition Lyrics solidarity of international foods (09/05/2012)

  • Presented in Madrid a report on Spanish SMEs (09/05/2012)

  • Lopez: "The City Council has to invest and the priority of each euro must be to create jobs" (09/05/2012)
    PSOE spokesman, Pedro Lopez, emphasizes that local PP is required to change the phase of the ads and mammoth projects for realistic actions aimed at job creation and economic recovery of the city
  • Music, humor and drama with "Time to Time" at Teatro Circo Murcia (09/05/2012)

  • The nurseries offer quality services at affordable prices (09/05/2012)

  • The City Council renewed its commitment to the citizens in the public service of population census (09/05/2012)

  • Journey to the world of dance at Teatro Circo Murcia (09/05/2012)

  • The Progress Quarter will have a kiosk-bar in the garden next to the doctor's office (09/05/2012)
    The City Council aims to provide more attractive for citizens to use the green areas
  • IU-Green denounces "abusive" rise in prices of primary schools of Murcia (09/05/2012)

  • A project to create a green boulevard of El Palmar Road wins the contest of Urban Planning and the College of Architecture (09/05/2012)

  • The Apple Store New Condomina of Murcia will open next Saturday (09/05/2012)
    The first 1,000 people through the doors will be an Apple T-shirt Gift
  • The Jury meets to choose the winning project to reshape the road to El Palmar (08/05/2012)
    In the final phase has been four projects
  • Beniaján ethnographic hosts the conference "The sounds of tradition" (08/05/2012)

  • The Socialist Group calls to local and regional government rigor, transparency and accountability in public administration (08/05/2012)

  • About two thousand people will participate in Sunday's bike festival Decabike (08/05/2012)

  • The magazine devotes a special issue JDEA Professor of Mathematics at the University of Murcia Francisco Balibrea (08/05/2012)

  • The Museum Ramon Gaya joins the European commemoration of "The Night of Museums", which this year dedicated to the music (08/05/2012)

  • The Mayor said that employers Murcia are "eager" to regain momentum and create jobs (08/05/2012)

  • The artists pay homage to the theater in The Romea Exhibition (08/05/2012)
    The exhibition, which will remain open until June 8, features works by 14 artists from Murcia
  • The mathematician Manfredo Perdigao do Carmo will be awarded an honorary doctorate (08/05/2012)
    The University of Murcia celebrates Wednesday, May 9, the investiture ceremony of the Brazilian professor Manfredo Perdigao do Carmo, a world leader in the field of geometry and
  • Rafa will stand in Murcia keeper until June 2014 (08/05/2012)

  • The Sixth People's Race at the University of Murcia has celebrated another year with large numbers of participants (08/05/2012)

  • RedEmprendia adopted its Action Plan 2012 (08/05/2012)

  • Einstein, the character of the century (08/05/2012)
    This is a sample that will be displayed in the School of Chemistry until 1 June
  • The Court of Disputed rejects halt the process of granting the new shuttle bus (07/05/2012)
    Traffic Councilman Javier Iniesta, welcomes not dilate the award, as the beneficiaries of that are the users of public transport
  • Non-teaching staff of universities in Europe spends a week at the University of Murcia (07/05/2012)

  • The Association MIAS Murcia choose to begin the journey that annually makes about Ibn Arabi (07/05/2012)
    The City Council has participated this weekend at the International Congress of Ibn Arabi
  • Professor Rosa Hervás, honorable mention for innovation in the Masters in Education and Museums (07/05/2012)

  • Award ceremony of the Olympiad of Economics and Business (07/05/2012)

  • UPyD Murcia claims that there is still no schedule for the Night of Museums (07/05/2012)
    For the magenta education spokesman, Ruben Serna, "can not promote what does not exist" while regrets "improvisation" of the Department of Culture
  • Entreculturas shows the reality of the refugee camps in Africa (07/05/2012)
    The exhibition will be open until May 11 at the Civic Center of El Carmen
  • IU-Green organizes events in neighborhoods and districts to report on the cuts in health and education (07/05/2012)

  • The Socialist Group calls for implementation of new business incubator (07/05/2012)

  • IU-Green requesting the inclusion of social and labor clauses in public procurement (07/05/2012)

  • Ninety-nine fraudulent applications were filed with the Office of Immigration of Murcia (07/05/2012)
    The National Police arrested twenty-four people in a crackdown on fraud in the regularization of foreigners
  • Continue the fight against red palm weevil (06/05/2012)
    The City Council extended the contract to eliminate this pest on palms affected
  • Murcia prepares to celebrate International Museum Day (06/05/2012)
    The councilman of Culture meets with the heads of the four museums in the municipality to complete the activities to be held on 18 and 19 May
  • The square of the Aurora improve your lighting with lights similar to Gran Via Romea (06/05/2012)

  • Meeting of the Socialist Group Aguas de Murcia (06/05/2012)

  • Tourism and travel site together to promote Murcia (05/05/2012)

  • The UCAM XI graduates to Promote Higher Diploma in Criminology (05/05/2012)
    Scholarship Awards and Diplomas to XI Promotion of Higher Diploma in Criminology at the Catholic University San Antonio (UCAM)
  • Tourism and travel site together to promote Murcia (05/05/2012)

  • Tourism and travel site together to promote Murcia (05/05/2012)

  • The Socialist Party is committed to urgently resolve the north-south from the town of Murcia (05/05/2012)
    The Socialist Group created a working group composed of experts and former councilors and members of municipal boards of the town center that will meet biweekly to discuss and study in depth the situation of the city
  • Controls and cleaning fountains and lakes of the municipality (05/05/2012)
    A company made the maintenance and upkeep of eight facilities and districts Murcia
  • Building engineers UCAM receive their scholarships and diplomas (04/05/2012)

  • The Mayor of Murcia opens new headquarters of the Association On-Off Parkinson Quarter Progress (04/05/2012)
    The City Council has given local and furniture
  • A Street Neighborhood Progress has today named Pepe Cure Tornel (04/05/2012)
    The Mayor presided over the unveiling of the plaque, held this afternoon
  • "The preparation makes the person feel empowered address the problems" (04/05/2012)
    II National Congress of Psychology UCAM
  • The University of Murcia is imposed in the contest of bridges constructed with popsicle sticks (04/05/2012)

  • Vistabella starts its festivities (04/05/2012)
    The Murcia Alberto Sevilla will be responsible for proclaiming the festive days
  • UPyD demand Murcia online publication of all assets of the City Council and leased buildings (04/05/2012)
    magenta Training has requested this information to assess whether it can be a means of social cost savings without even a month and a half later still no response by the Consistory
  • Youth presented their projects to train and seek employment abroad (04/05/2012)

  • The Socialist Group calls on the PP to launch a public bike hire more ambitious, effective and profitable (04/05/2012)
    Pedro Lopez defends the implementation of a rental service distributed at various strategic points in the city and a network segregated lanes linking one area with others
  • IU-Green calls the Clock Tower can be used by all associations of Bacons Bridge (04/05/2012)
    Training urges the President of the Association of Friends of Bethlehem and PP senator María José Nicolás to "give some of this tower to use and enjoy all "
  • Security to ensure the proper development of SOS (04/05/2012)

  • The test is passed Bicihuerta mountain biking (04/05/2012)
    is the fifth edition of this race to be held in the environment Torreagüera
  • Cooperation in May dedicated to showing the work of NGOs working with African township (04/05/2012)
    Projection of a documentary, exhibition and visits to schools are proposed activities
  • Two courses for teachers of the Faculty of Education awards obtained OCW (04/05/2012)

  • Herguedas Germany participates in a meeting of left-wing councilors (04/05/2012)

  • Cinema, tastings and cooking classes in the Hall of Gastronomy in Murcia (04/05/2012)

  • Murcia participates in the International Congress of Ibn Arabi this weekend (04/05/2012)
    will take place on 5 and May 6 in Worcester College, University of Oxford
  • An American Comedy on Anxiety Kvetch Murcia Circus Theatre brings the encounter between man and fears (04/05/2012)

  • All ready to host the fifth edition of SOS 4.8 (03/05/2012)

  • House highlights the example of Nicolas Almagro as "relating to young people who want to progress in sport and in life" (03/05/2012)

  • Day Digestive Health Salvat, the UCAM (03/05/2012)
    Eva Pareras "Probiotics contribute positively to our digestive health"
  • The City Council increased the budget of the Convention Bureau Tourism backs the Meetings (03/05/2012)

  • Serna regrets that the concept of public transport in the City "completely discard" municipalization (03/05/2012)
    UPyD spokesman for Murcia "the amounts they are currently on the table" Iniesta councilor for managing bus "indicate that could have opted for a public body "
  • IU-Green calls Aljucer public facilities can be used by all associations (03/05/2012)
    This measure, according to training, is temporary, until you start the new cultural center
  • Environment signed an agreement with the Association of Friends of the Garden of Murcia Boltánico to publicize the floral wealth of the Malecon (03/05/2012)
    In a major project of teaching, with the planting and maintenance of two collections of plants in two beds dedicated to teaching of botany and the enjoyment of plant lovers
  • The Romea Theatre brings to Murcia this weekend the "tragic poem" by Federico Garcia Lorca: Yerma (03/05/2012)
    The national premiere of the work will take place on Friday, May 4, and may also see 5 and 6
  • IU-Green believes that the "most effective" is the municipalization of the bus service (03/05/2012)

  • The rehabilitation of the Clock Tower Bacons Bridge faces its last phase (03/05/2012)

  • Serna celebrates the new way to rent a bike for hours as claimed UPyD Murcia (03/05/2012)
    To the Speaker of the magenta training the rental system "long life" does not encourage the use, whereas with loan of up to four hours " progress in the right direction to achieve a more effective system "
  • The Socialist Group calls the PP to explain what happens to the youth center of Juan de Borbon, paralyzed and in a state of abandonment (03/05/2012)

  • Ronda Cabezo de Torres (03/05/2012)

  • A man has died while driving his car on the road Espinardo-Altorreal (03/05/2012)

  • PhD Student, University of Murcia achieved awards at the International Student Congress of Experimental Sciences and Health (03/05/2012)

  • Fifteen hundred athletes are listed tomorrow, Friday May 4 at the Campus of Espinardo (03/05/2012)
    At eleven o'clock VI Fun Run begins at the University of Murcia
  • Second National Congress of Psychology UCAM (02/05/2012)
    The UCAM discussed at the Second Congress of Psychology topics such as bullying
  • More than 2,600 schoolchildren visit the course, the Aquarium of the University of Murcia (02/05/2012)

  • The Socialist Group considered a hoax 'sell' progress in the rehabilitation of La Paz (02/05/2012)
    PSOE councilor, John Patrick Castro, said that the rehabilitation project as it is raised it is nearly impossible in the current context and being critical to leaving behind the neighbors
  • Industrial engineers offer their collaboration to expedite licenses to open (02/05/2012)

  • The City maintains its commitment to cycling workshops with six more to rent (02/05/2012)

  • Martinez Novillo is presented for the first time in Almudí (02/05/2012)

  • The City Council is committed Networks (02/05/2012)
    24,500 young people participate each year in more than 1,500 activities
  • The City continues to expand its digital archive (02/05/2012)

  • Organize a program of guided visits to the Aquarium of the University of Murcia for schoolchildren (02/05/2012)

  • Legal advice, counseling and youth work for Municipi (02/05/2012)

  • The City Council gives two plots to the Bishop for the expansion of the cemetery in Los Garres (02/05/2012)

  • IU-Green believes that the announcement of House on La Paz is a sign of "abandonment municipal neighbors" (02/05/2012)

  • Kike and Miguelín be in Hall Sports Alhama with Croacia'12 European Cup on May 9th (02/05/2012)
    Also displayed will be the World Cup and Euro football
  • The Socialist Party criticized the internal contradictions of PP on the recovery of the fords in districts (02/05/2012)
    PSOE spokesman, Pedro Lopez, remember that the Socialist members will develop an information campaign in the districts and will continue to file motions in Municipal Boards, as approved in Javalí New
  • Conference on the book "Women Teachers" (02/05/2012)

  • Dani Salgado: "We have the first chance to finish the regular season and we will fight to get" (02/05/2012)

  • The rehabilitation of La Paz goes one step further with the approval of the statutes of the Compensation Board (02/05/2012)

  • Six arrested in the registration of three brothels in Cartagena and Santa Pola (02/05/2012)
    The National Police dismantled an organization dedicated to human trafficking for sexual exploitation
  • More than 2,600 schoolchildren will visit the course, the Aquarium of the University of Murcia (02/05/2012)

  • The University of Murcia works in constitutional studies seminar italoespañol of Bologna (02/05/2012)

  • Jose Antonio Rouco takes over as dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (02/05/2012)

  • Baby wants a Palace to burst to dismiss the regular season (01/05/2012)

  • The Socialists claim that the image of Guadalupe is being insulted because of the graffiti on the main symbols (01/05/2012)

  • The hidden voices Teatro Circo Murcia (01/05/2012)


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