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The identity of Murcia through the brush of Falgas (21/12/2018)

The Exhibition Hall of La Glorieta welcomes this afternoon, at 19.00, the opening of the exhibition 'From Mediterranean Murcia', which covers the different stages of the Murcian master and his deep love for Murcia.

José Ballesta: "It is the greatest retrospective of this brilliant and luminous artist of 89 years, with traditionalist works, portraits and landscapes of our land, covering a temporary period of more than 70 years, from 1945 to 2018."

The painter José María Falgas, accompanied by the Mayor of Murcia, José Ballesta, will inaugurate this afternoon, at 7:00 p.m., the exhibition 'Desde Murcia mediterránea', a retrospective exhibition consisting of some 60 works, including oil paintings and watercolor, which He goes through the different stages of the Murcian master and shows his deep love for Murcia.

"The exhibition is a tribute to Falgas that his beloved Murcia pays him," said José Ballesta, who said that "this is the biggest retrospective of the 89-year-old teacher, named Son of the City in the same year, which includes his extensive trajectory within the art world and its close connection with our land, with great works that span a temporary period of more than 70 years, from 1945 to 2018. "

The exhibition allows the visitor to contemplate the most representative of each of the different stages of the artist: from his famous portraits, to the traditions of Murcia and the different landscapes and emblematic places of the municipality.

As the great portraitist he is, the portraits of his daughter during his childhood, of Tío Juan Rita stand out, and especially, the portrait of youth of King Felipe VI, which he painted more than 20 years ago, when the monarch was still a Prince.

The exhibition includes great works of the painter that attest to the customs and festivities of Murcia: Holy Week, the Bando de la Huerta, the Burial of the Sardine, cribs or the famous representations of 'El Tenorio'.

The beautiful landscapes captured by the painter born in the neighborhood of Santa Eulalia are also collected: from panoramic views of Murcia (the Segura river passing through Murcia, with the Old and New bridges, the Carmen church, Santo Domingo), the wheel of Alcantarilla, the cover of the Huerto de las Bombas, etc.

The exhibition also includes works that reflect landscapes of the numerous Arab countries and enclaves of the Mediterranean that the artist has traveled.

The exhibition, curated by Enrique Ros and coordinated by Álvaro Peña, is made up of funds from the artist's private collection (brought from his studio in Madrid), works belonging to private collections and funds that the painter donated to the City of Murcia.

You can visit until February 28 in the Exhibition Hall of La Glorieta.

Falgas, the painter of truthfulness

89 years ago was born one of the most emblematic brushes of Murcia.

José María Falgas Rigal (Murcia, 1929) is considered one of the best Murcian painters of the last century and has always been linked to the municipality.

From Santa Eulalia, through the school of the Marists, he forged in his childhood a talent and special delicacy that led him to paint his first oil with only 9 years.

In his extensive production, framed in realism, poetry melts with light, masterful still lifes with splendid portraits, his works on the beauty of Huerta's landscapes - but also of exotic countries where he has enjoyed long stays - or the numerous pictures about parties and traditions.

"García Viñolas said that" Falgas is not a painter of reality, but of truthfulness ", a truth that permeates his work, which has evolved along with his own life, reaching a vision of art and the fact itself to be Murcian, full of lucidity, wisdom and humanity, "the mayor praised.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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